Research and Innovation



The African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), a governance evaluation framework established by the African Union, aims to promote good governance and sustainable development in Africa.

However, its influence on public policy outcomes has been limited due to inadequate evaluation research and a focus on outcome-oriented approaches.

A study by Dr. Martin Kizito, a senior lecturer at Uganda Christian University (UCU) proposes a framework to enhance the APRM’s influence, addressing knowledge gaps and recommending inclusive participation, aligned activities, and a well-domesticated legal framework.”

This study analyses the implementation of APRM as a governance evaluation framework mandated by Article 5(2) of the African Union (AU) Constitutive Act of 2000.

 It aimed at generating a framework for enhancing the APRM and in turn positively influence public policy outcomes.

The study observes that, in researching evaluation influence, limited empirical field studies have been conducted especially about African home-grown initiatives, to guide stakeholders on how evaluation inputs translate into activities and consequently policy outcomes.

It argues that APRM, as Made in Africa Evaluation (MAE), adopts a rational and outcome-oriented approach to evaluation, focusing on direct use of data, with good performance primarily evidenced by ratification of agreed governance standards.

So, limited attention to the process has resulted into concerns about emerging patterns of evaluation under-use, misuse and non-use. This trend if not researched may result in an evaluation crisis, affecting the sustainability of the APRM as a catalyst to the realisation of the AU Agenda 2063.

Using a mechanism-based approach, this thesis aims at bridging the knowledge gap by empirically drawing on qualitative data of 35 stakeholders’ perceptions on how evaluation inputs, activities, and outputs affect the use of APRM data in Uganda’s public policy.

It takes a case analysis of Uganda’s first and second-generation peer reviews as well as the refugee policy framework between 2005 and 2018.

The findings reveal that, well as the APRM’s first National Plan of Action (NPoA) was among the 23 core studies that directly informed the formulation of Uganda’s initial National Development Plan (NDP I), its influence is declining to showcase best practices, with increasing, symbolic use but also misuse of APRM recommendations.

 This is attributed to inadequate financial and technical capacity inputs, lack of a well-domesticated legal framework supporting APRM structures and activities, stakeholders without a well-established culture of evaluations, and a political context that allows selective use of evaluations in national policies.

In the proposed framework, the study recommends inclusive participation in evaluation input, activities aligned with government plans; institutionalizing government-wide reporting on NPoA implementation and establishing a well-domesticated legal framework.

Compiled by: Irene Best Nyapendi

Edited by: Jimmy Siyasa


UCU researchers seek to multiply bamboo production for more benefits

By Pauline Luba
Micropropagation refers to the growing of plants in closed vessels that contain culture media with nutrients and growth regulators. Since the plants are grown in glass, they are described as in vitro, as opposed to in vivo plants that are grown in soil.  

Knowing the multiple benefits and uses of the bamboo plant, Winnie Namutosi, a Uganda Christian University (UCU) alum and lecturer, and her co-researchers are currently in the laboratory in a bid to micropropagate this member of the grass family, using a growth medium that has nutrients and hormones.

To produce the micro propagated plants, clear protocols are needed. These protocols are not yet known, and that is what Namutosi and her colleague researchers— Prof. William Kisaalita, Joel Karama and Joseph Galiwango  — are attempting to develop. Namutosi also has worked with UCU academics and researchers Bulyaba Rosemary, Nakanwangi Mildred Julian, Buteme Ruth, Sseremba Godfrey and Kizito Elizabeth Balyejusa to decipher the reproductive barriers that hinder improvement of African eggplants. The study findings were published in Euphytica under the title “Compatibility Barriers affecting Crossability of Solanum aethiopicum and its relatives” 

Specimens of bamboo multiplication in the laboratory

It is no surprise that Namutosi is part of the group that is developing the bamboo tissue culture protocols. She comes from Sironko district in eastern Uganda, where smoked bamboo shoots are one of the staple foods. Locally known as malewa, the staple was originally served as a complete meal, but was later transformed into sauce, prepared with simsim paste or peanut butter. 

Bamboo shoots, which are eaten like vegetables, are a source of protein, carbohydrates, minerals, and vitamins E and C. It also can be burned for fuel, taking pressure off dwindling forest reserves of eucalyptus and other natural resources. 

But Namutosi is looking beyond just the malewa that bamboo provides. For her master’s research, she focused on the study of improving crops (African eggplants). It was then that she realized how charcoal is a major source of fuel in many households in Uganda. However, it is that great need for charcoal that has conspired with other factors to lead to deforestation in the country.

Namutosi believes that the bamboo plant can help to reduce carbon emissions to the atmosphere, hence mitigating the effects of climatic change.
Namutosi believes that the bamboo plant can help to reduce carbon emissions to the atmosphere, hence mitigating the effects of climatic change.

“When you look at the environment, it needs to be conserved,” said Namutosi, who has experience in plant breeding and agricultural research.

The wood asset in Uganda reduced by 45 per cent between 1990 and 2015, from 355.5 million to 197.1 million tons. According to the Uganda Bureau of Statistics, after an initial 4 per cent increase in wood biomass between 1990 and 2000, the national stock suffered a significant reduction of 42.5 percent between 2000 and 2005. Despite a modest 3 percent recovery between 2005 and 2010, the aggregate stock fell by another 9 percent between 2010 and 2015.

Uganda’s total forest land area was 4.93 million hectares (12.2 million acres) in 1990, which decreased by 60 percent to 1.95 million hectares (4.8 million acres) by 2015, according to the Ugandan government statistics. However, by 2023, the forest cover had shown a reversal in the trajectory, improving by four percentage points. 

Namutosi and colleagues are now exploring possibilities of large-scale production of bamboo so it can serve the high demand for wood from charcoal burners. Bamboo is a fast-growing plant and easily adapts to many weather conditions. A hectare (2.47 acres) of a bamboo plantation is said to absorb more than 60 tons of carbon dioxide per annum, which is 30 percent more than the case with other plants. Bamboo is said to release more oxygen to the atmosphere than other plants. As such, Namutosi believes that the plant will help to reduce carbon emissions to the atmosphere, hence mitigating the effects of climatic change.

The second born of eight siblings, Namutosi is a daughter of farmer parents — Patrick and Olivia Nabitu. She attended Mahempe Primary School in Sironko district and Bugisu High School in Mbale for both O’level and A’level. In 2015, she joined UCU, where she obtained a Bachelor of Agricultural Science and Entrepreneurship. After doing research on animals for her undergraduate, Namutosi opted to focus on crop improvement for her master’s research, graduating with a Master of Science in Agriculture. She is currently an assistant lecturer and a researcher at UCU. 


Role Conflict and Burnout among Administrators in Higher Institutions of Education in Uganda.

In the world of higher education, attention often gravitates towards lecturers and professors, the individuals responsible for teaching and research. However, another crucial cohort operates behind the scenes: administrators. These individuals, including deans, directors, and academic registrars, are instrumental in the seamless operation of universities. Yet, the challenges they encounter, particularly in Uganda, are frequently overlooked.

A recent study by Faith Mbabazi, Wilson Eduan, and Mary Kagoire Ocheng from Uganda Christian University (UCU) delved into a significant challenge confronting administrators: role conflict and burnout. Published in the East African Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, this research investigates how these issues impact administrators in Ugandan universities.

Role conflict occurs when an individual’s job responsibilities clash, leading to stress. Conversely, burnout manifests as emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and decreased effectiveness at work due to prolonged stress. Understanding the interplay between these phenomena is crucial for ensuring the well-being of administrators and the smooth operation of universities.

The study employed surveys to inquire about the experiences of administrators from various Ugandan universities. It aimed to ascertain whether role conflict exacerbates burnout among these administrators.

The findings yielded unexpected insights. Initially, the study did not identify a direct correlation between role conflict and burnout. However, upon closer examination, a noteworthy factor emerged: age. Older administrators were more susceptible to experiencing emotional exhaustion due to role conflict.

This shows the importance of recognizing individual differences, particularly in age, in understanding how role conflict impacts burnout among administrators. This understanding holds significant implications for universities. It proves the need for university leaders to be attuned to the well-being of their staff, especially older administrators who may be more vulnerable to burnout resulting from role conflict.

Overall, this study sheds light on a critical aspect of university life in Uganda. By comprehending the relationship between role conflict and burnout, universities can foster healthier work environments for their administrators, ensuring the sustained effectiveness of their operations while prioritizing the well-being of their staff.

Compiled by: Irene Best Nyapendi

Edited by: Jimmy Siyasa, Head of Communications and Public Relations Department at UCU

Head Teachers' Publication UCU education

Education: UCU Researchers Reveal Head Teacher’s Critical Role in Inclusive Education

By Jimmy Siyasa

Overview of Research

In a joint research publication by Dr. Mary Kagoire Ochieng and Dr. Faith Mbabazi Musinguzi, alongside three scholars from Busitema University and Health Tutors College Mulago, a significant correlation between the head teacher’s support role and the achievement of quality inclusive education in selected secondary schools was discovered.

The study, titled “Head Teacher’s Support Role on the Quality of Inclusive Education in Secondary Schools in Iganga District,” established that secondary school administrations implementing certain best practices are more likely to realize inclusive education quality. These practices include;

  • Continuous professional development workshops
  • Staff welfare initiatives
  • Support supervision
  • Provision of teaching aids, among other constant factors.

These research findings in the U.K-based Advances in Social Sciences and Management, a monthly online publication by the Open-Source Journals under the Public Knowledge Project, shed light on the importance of effective leadership in fostering inclusive education environments.

Publication Abstract

The study investigated the Head Teacher’s support Role in the Quality of Inclusive Education in Secondary Schools in the Iganga District. It examined the head teacher’s mandates in the realization of quality inclusive education in selected secondary schools.

Explicitly, the study determined the influence of the head teacher’s support role on the quality of inclusive education in secondary schools. This study adopted a cross-sectional survey design, drawing on quantitative and qualitative research approaches with a sample size of 83 respondents. Interview guides and questionnaires were used for data collection. SPSS software version 23 was used with a focus on descriptive statistics. The verbatim method was used for qualitative data.

The study revealed that there was a moderate positive or constructive significant correlation between the head teacher’s support role and achievement of quality inclusive education in selected secondary Schools. The study established that putting in place continuous professional development workshops, welfare, giving support supervision and provision of teaching aids, while other factors or issues remain constant, is most likely to better the process of inclusive education quality in secondary school.

Conclusively the study revealed that the Head teacher’s planning, support and motivation cannot work in isolation in the attainment of quality inclusive education. Monetary and non-monetary ways greatly influence the quality of inclusive education. Also, the study recommends head teachers make relevant plans and increase support and motivation to uplift secondary schools’ quality of inclusive education.

For more information and to access the full study, click here.

About the authors

Lastone Balyaino, researcher at Busitema University; Dr. Charles Muweesi, a Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Sciences and Education, Busitema University; Dr. Kagoire serves as the Dean of the UCU School of Education, Isabirye Christopher from Health Tutors College; and Dr. Faith Mbabazi, Head of the Education department at UCU.


UCU Empowers Researchers with Grants and Periodic Trainings

By Irene Best Nyapendi
In a strategic move to strengthen its research capabilities, Uganda Christian University (UCU) is taking its support for researchers to the next level with comprehensive grants, grant writing, and training sessions.
This initiative, under the direction of Dr. Angella Napakol, Head of Department Grants and Partnerships, demonstrates UCU’s dedication to fostering innovation and community impact beyond its focus on teaching.

Recognising the need to address low research engagement among its staff, UCU initiated research to uncover the underlying challenges. Feedback revealed critical gaps in funding availability, institutional support, and capacity-building opportunities.
In response, UCU instituted the Directorate of Research, Partnerships, and Innovation (DRPI), along with allocating funds to facilitate UCU researchers annually.

Now in its third round, the research funding initiative has been coupled with training sessions to equip staff with skills in grant writing and intellectual property management. The training has been carried out at UCU’s Arua campus, Mbale University College, and most recently at UCU Bishop Barham University College (BBUC).

“We realised that funding alone wasn’t sufficient to drive impactful research,” Napakol said. “Capacity building is equally essential.”

UCU Research Funding Opportunities

The initiative targets staff members at various career stages, offering tailored support ranging from associate professors to Ph.D. and master’s degree holders. Associate professors and professors have the potential to secure a funding allocation of up to 150 million shillings. Likewise, PhD holders stand to gain up to 50 million shillings, and Masters holders can access funding of up to 15 million shillings, based on the reviewer’s assessment.
The deadline for applications to the UCU Research Funds is fast approaching this Thursday, February 29, 2024. The funding, for instance, serves as a training ground for Master’s students through engagement in grant writing and management.
Napakol explained the crucial need for funding to support Master’s holders in grant management, research methodologies, and publication strategies.
“We realised that our staff needs financial support,” Napakol said. “The ultimate objective is to empower them to confidently pursue external grants.”
During the training at BBUC, Napakol led engaging discussions on grant writing, emphasising the importance of visibility, publications, and professional networking.

Dr. Angella Napakol guiding participants through grant writing at BBUC.

Participants were guided through the application process for grants, strategies for identifying funding opportunities, with a keen focus on enhancing their research profiles.

By encouraging staff participation in research and facilitating publication opportunities, UCU aims to elevate individual profiles while strengthening the university’s research portfolio.
Napakol further noted that the more staff write and publish, the better their profile becomes. This way, when they apply for an external grant, their profile looks attractive and credible, and they stand a higher chance of winning.

“As each individual in the university grows, so does the university because our profiles make up
the university profile,” Napakol said.
The three-day training attracted over 60 lecturers from BBUC. Moving forward, UCU remains dedicated to nurturing a research ecosystem that empowers its staff to make meaningful contributions to knowledge creation and societal advancement.
For more information, visit:

UCU Research Study

Plant Reproduction: A Breakthrough Study at UCU

Quick Overview

A team of researchers from Uganda Christian University (UCU) Faculty of Agricultural Sciences who a few months ago embarked on a journey to explore plant reproduction, focusing on African eggplant (Solanum aethiopicum) – varieties, including the Shum -Nakati and Gilo -Ntula cultivars; have published findings from their intriguing study.

The findings of the study titled Compatibility Barriers affecting Crossability of Solanum Aethipicum and its relatives published in Euphytica, an international journal that covers the theoretical and applied aspects of plant breeding, under Springer Nature, a prestigious German-British publisher; have ignited a buzz in the academic community.

In this insightful study, by Ms. Winnie NamutosiProf Elizabeth Balyejusa Kizito  Dr. Rosemary Bulyaba, Dr. Godfrey Sseremba,  Ms. Mildred Julian Nakanwagi & Ms. Ruth Buteme ( All UCU scholars), the researchers delved into reproductive barriers that hinder the breeding of African egg plants. Their mission? To discover the critical reproductive barriers and pave the way for enhanced germplasm utilization and genetic improvement of this species.

The study utilized advanced methodologies to explore compatibility barriers between African eggplant and its botanical counterparts. Through a randomized complete block design and a full diallel mating method, the researchers evaluated crossability and floral traits of six genotypes across four different species (S. aethiopicum, S. anguivi, S. Macrocarpon and S. incanum) over two seasons.

Their findings revealed fascinating insights into the reproductive behavior of African eggplant. From the timing of flower opening to the receptivity of stigma, from pollen quantity to viability, each aspect was meticulously examined and analyzed. Moreover, the study shed light on the intriguing phenomenon of self-compatibility and interspecific crossbreeding, uncovering the pivotal role of female parent functioning in the success of such endeavors.

One of the standout discoveries was the remarkable performance of the Shum cultivar of Solanum aethiopicum as a female parent in crossbreeding experiments. This finding underscores the significance of understanding the dynamics of plant reproductive biology and its implications for breeding programs aimed at enhancing crop resilience and productivity.

Click here for similar studies.


DALILA Project Leaves Lasting Impact on UCU

By Irene Best Nyapendi

In a groundbreaking achievement, Uganda Christian University (UCU) marked the culmination of its transformative project, the Development of Academic Curricula on Sustainable Energies and Green Economy in Africa (DALILA), with a final conference held on December 4, 2023. Under the theme “Sustainability in Investment; The Role of Renewable Energy,”

The event showcased the success of a collaborative effort involving partners from Europe, Zanzibar, Uganda, and Tanzania.

Initiated in 2020 and funded by the Education, Audio-Visual, and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) of the European Union, DALILA aimed to address the critical need for sustainable energy solutions in Africa. UCU, along with Uganda Martyrs University (UMU), the University of Dodoma (UDOM), and the State University of Zanzibar (SUZA), joined forces with international partners such as Sapienza University of Rome, the University of Cadiz, Sahara Ventures, and INOMA Renovables, among others.

UCU’s Renewable Energy Lab Opens Doors to Innovation

One of the notable outcomes of the DALILA project is the establishment of a renewable energy laboratory at UCU, thanks to a consortium Euro grant. This grant facilitated the creation of six new courses on “Renewable Technologies” and “Green Business Creation and Development” across universities in Tanzania and Uganda. The initiative not only filled a critical skills gap but also fostered collaborative research, creating multidisciplinary links between academia and industry.

Prof. Cipri Katiuscia, the DALILA project coordinator, emphasized the project’s broader goals, aiming to support the modernization and accessibility of higher education in Uganda and Tanzania. The collaboration successfully resulted in the development of the postgraduate Diploma in Sustainable Business and Renewable Energy Technologies at UCU, graduating its pioneer class in October 2023.

Vincent Kisenyi, the Director of Academic Affairs, highlighted the practical nature of the postgraduate diploma, emphasizing its role in addressing unemployment and providing access to renewable energy opportunities. The programme’s success is evident in the tangible benefits realized by UCU, including enhanced collaboration with renewable energy stakeholders and increased applied research in the field.

Despite Uganda’s heavy reliance on renewable energy at a macro level, the micro-level utilization remains underexploited due to the prohibitive cost of the national hydroelectric power grid. DALILA, through its two-faculty collaboration, aims to bridge this gap by continuing research connected to renewable energy and focusing on innovative solutions for small, medium, and starting businesses.

Engineer Simon Peter Sekitoleko, from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development (MEMD), acknowledged Uganda’s energy challenges and outlined the government’s commitment to a sustainable approach. MEMD has revised Uganda’s energy policy, setting ambitious targets to increase generation capacity and boost the share of renewables to over 95% by 2040.

“As the nation embraces cleaner energy sources, UCU’s role in offering a postgraduate diploma in sustainable business and renewable energy is recognized as a crucial step in building capacity and turning graduates into job creators,” Sekitoleko said.

The DALILA Project, as highlighted by Peter Lugemwa, a lecturer at Uganda Martyrs University, emphasizes the transformative benefits of renewable energy. Lugemwa calls for ongoing research and development to enhance the efficiency of emerging renewable energy technologies, paving the way for a future where reliance on exhaustible resources is minimized.

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Ronald Mayanja UCU Pioneer Graduate of the Post graduate Diploma presenting his paper during the final conference.

Ronald Mayanja, a DALILA Project beneficiary, presented a paper he did on the socio-economic impact of the ban on the illegal charcoal trade in Northern Uganda. His research sheds light on the challenges faced by affected communities, emphasizing the need for evidence-based policy decisions.

“The outcomes of my research indicate that the ban on the charcoal trade has adversely affected local communities in Northern Uganda, resulting in job cuts, diminished income, and heightened poverty levels,” Mayanja said.

Mayanja suggests implementing targeted social assistance initiatives specifically tailored for women engaged in charcoal resale and promoting community involvement to develop collaborative solutions.

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Pioneer graduates sharing their internship experiences in Europe and AFRICA.

Four UCU students, including Mayanja, are part of the 10-member pioneer class that studied a one-year Post Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Business and Renewable Energy. They undertook a one-month internship in Spain and Italy, sponsored by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Focused on renewable energy, they observed and learned from European practices, gaining practical experience and forming valuable connections for future collaborations in advancing Uganda’s energy transition. The internship included visits to solar and hydropower plants, hands-on experiments, and exposure to sustainable waste management research.

Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs, the Rev. Assoc. Prof. John M. Kitayimbwa, expressed gratitude to all the partners for the wonderful work.

“We want to thank DALILA and all the partners for their wonderful work. There are certain things we will never forget about this DALILA project, like our postgraduate diploma in sustainable and renewable energy that was developed as a result of this,” Kitayimbwa said.


Food waste supply and behaviour towards its alternative uses in Kampala city, Uganda

Solid waste management is a major challenge in sub-Saharan Africa in general, and its food waste component is high and increasing with the rapidly increasing population.

Survey data (class p1) collected from households, hotels, restaurants, schools and produce markets were analysed using descriptive and logistic regression analyses for insights into the types and amounts of food waste, and respondents’ attitudes and practices towards its collection, disposal and alternative uses.

Households produce the highest amounts of food waste compared to institutions (hotels, schools and restaurants) and produce markets. In a week, about 96, 72, and 93% of all the respondents in households, institutions and produce markets respectively experienced food waste at least one to three times.

On average, with a solid waste collection coverage of 45%, households, institutions and markets in Kampala can respectively supply 680, 80, and 8 t of food waste daily. Moulding, poor food storage, food leftovers, food expiry and excess food produce were the major reasons for condemning food to waste.

Over 90% of the respondents recognized food waste as a problem, and as a resource especially for use in livestock feed production, and were willing to consume house crickets raised on feed from food waste.

Lower levels of education (none, primary and secondary levels), unemployment, and being divorced at household level were positively associated with recognizing food waste as a resource [X2 (21, N = 209) = 137.77, p =  < 0.0001] and re-use for alternative purposes [X2 (21, N = 209) = 47.44, p = 0.001] by households and institutions [X2 (14, N = 92) = 30.97, p =  < 0.019]. Majority of the respondents were willing to donate food waste, especially married people and institutions that have been in existence for a period of 5–10 years.

To read the full article, visit this link:

Authors and Affiliations

  1. Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Uganda Christian University, Mukono, 31204, UgandaGeoffrey Ssepuuya
  2. Department of Food Science and Technology, Kyambogo University, Kampala, 10308, UgandaGeoffrey Ssepuuya
  3. Department of Management and Entrepreneurship, Uganda Christian University, Mukono, 31204, UgandaElsie Nsiyona
  4. Department of Natural Resource Economics, Busitema University, Namasagali, 20217, UgandaMoses Kakungulu
  5. Department of Linguistics, English Language Services & Communication Skills, Makerere University, Kampala, 20217, UgandaJane Frances Alowo
  6. Department of Agriculture, Uganda Christian University, Mukono, 31204, UgandaPaul Nampala

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Exploring economic and health interventions to support adolescents’ resilience and coping in mining communities: A scoping review

Economic and social disruptions, such as the global COVID-19 pandemic, heighten the vulnerability of adolescents. These disruptions exacerbate health and economic inequities, which are further compounded in informal labour settings such as the mining sector.

Therefore, strengthening adolescent resilience and coping are crucial for well-being and equitable health outcomes. However, there is a limited, comprehensive literature that synthesizes adolescent resilience interventions, especially in mining communities.

This study presents a scoping review, following Arksey & O’Malley’s (2005) framework, to map existing literature on interventions for adolescent resilience in mining communities. Relevant studies were identified from academic journals and grey literature published between 2012 and 2022. Of the 1286 studies screened, 13 were retained for final analysis.

Literature showed that common economic resilience interventions included policy-level advocacy and activism, and predominant health interventions focused on sexual and reproductive health, including HIV counselling, screening, and testing, targeting both individual and community-level change in mining communities. The findings emphasize the necessity for interventions to adopt multi-level, multi-sectoral, and multi-stakeholder approaches while mainstreaming gender.

Future research should prioritize intersectional, gender-transformative, and community-based interventions to strengthen adolescent resilience in mining communities and advance health equity and rights amongst this last-mile population.

To read the full article, visit this link:

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Exploring the Citations of UCU’s 2023 PhD Graduates

Uganda Christian University (UCU) celebrated a significant milestone by awarding doctoral degrees to five graduates on October 13 during the second part of the 24th graduation ceremony.

Wasswa Asaph Senoga, Doctor of Philosophy in Theology

Dr. Wasswa Asaph Senoga

Thesis Title: Financial Control Practices in the Selected Church of the Province of Uganda Dioceses of Central Buganda

Rev. Wasswa Asaph Senoga examined the subject of financial control practices in the Church of Uganda. He found out that apart from seeking the spiritual welfare of her members, the Church of the Province of Uganda has contributed significantly towards the country’s development by providing social services.

God has entrusted the Dioceses of the Church of the Province of Uganda with a lot of financial resources, but poor, or lack of proper internal control systems lead to a scarcity of funds to carry out their missionary work. Using the fraud diamond theory, the findings demonstrate that the Church of the Province of Uganda can greatly improve its internal control system with regard to establishing segregation of duties, recording of financial transactions, and authorizing the disbursement of funds.

This study provides a better understanding of the effective ways of carrying out financial controls in the dioceses. His argument is that effective Mission Dei and the Mission of the Church depend on good and stable financial practices.

Wasswa was supervised by Rev. Canon Prof. Christopher Byaruhanga and Rt. Rev. Dr. Joel Obetia.

Wankuma Abel Kibbedi, Doctor of Philosophy in Literature

Thesis Title: A Shift in Narrative Styles: Exploring the Works of Timothy Wangusa and Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi

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Dr. Wankuma Abel Kibbedi

Rev. Wankuma Abel Kibbedi’s thesis focuses on Timothy Wangusa and Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi’s fictive prose works. He examines how these Ugandan writers employ narrative styles to demonstrate a significant shift from traditional styles that focus on Europe to African-infused methods of storytelling.

He establishes that by weaving African Oral communication into the genre while addressing contemporary issues, the two authors transform their narrative styles.

He extends his research to inspire writers and researchers to venture into unfamiliar territories that can be found in the limitless possibilities of human creativity in the realm of narrative technique and the art of storytelling.

Wakuma was supervised by Prof. Timothy Wangusa and Prof. Danson Kahyana.

Gladys Ayot, Doctor of Philosophy in Education Administration and Management

Thesis Title: Domestic Violence and Teachers’ Performance in Uganda: Interrogating Female Teachers’ Experiences in Secondary Schools in Kitgum District.

Dr. Gladys Ayot

Dr. Gladys Ayot interrogated the experiences of female teachers at Secondary schools in Kitgum district and focused on how domestic violence impacts their teaching and administrative roles. She explored the coping mechanisms and the support available in schools.

Her study established that domestic violence unfavorably impacts female teachers’ delivery and interpersonal relations. Her findings indicate that female teachers who are victims of domestic violence negotiate through associated challenges using both formal and informal structures but with limited support.

She recommends a mainstreamed supportive policy framework and tools for empowering female teachers and head teachers to reduce the adverse effects of domestic violence on teachers.

Ayot was supervised by Dr. Wilson Eduan and Dr. Mary Ocheng Kagoire.

Faith Mbabazi, Doctor of Philosophy in Education Administration and Management

Thesis Title: Role Conflict and Burnout of Administrators in Selected Higher Educational Institutions in Uganda.

Dr. Faith Mbabazi’s thesis examines the relationship between multiple roles and burnout for administrators in Higher Education Institution in Uganda. The study suggests a link between role conflict and burnout of administrators, particularly emotional exhaustion. She established that administrators experience various role conflicts in their day-to-day activities.

Dr. Faith Mbabazi

The study contributes to the growing interest in investigating influences of role conflict on burnout of employees in Higher Education Institutions. She recommends that mangers of Higher Education Institutions need to take interest in the mental health of staff and provide them with training in burnout management competencies.

She also recommends the creation of a more conducive environment and to carry out burnout tests for early detection of burnout symptoms for intervention to avoid adverse effects.

Mbabazi was supervised by Dr. Wilson Eduan and Dr. Mary Ocheng Kagoire.

UCU David Sengendo, Doctor of Philosophy in Education Administration and Management

Thesis Title: Transformational Leadership and Academic Performance of Secondary Schools in Uganda

Dr. David Sengendo’s research explored the influence of transformational leadership on the academic performance of Head teachers in Ugandan Secondary Schools. His study found out that transformational leadership attributes play a crucial role in determining Head teachers’ performance in Secondary schools.

Dr. David Sengendo

The findings of this study will benefit education policymakers and implementers at all levels because it provides insights into the leadership attributes that effective leaders in secondary schools can employ and how these attributes impact academic performance therein.

He recommends training service frameworks that offer effective leadership and management skills to especially Secondary School leaders in Uganda.

Sengendo was supervised by Dr. Wilson Eduan and Dr. Benon Musinguzi.

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