Jimmy siyasa



Applicants Shortlisted by UCU for 2023: Provisional Lists Released

From the Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs as of March 29, 2023

Note: This is not final

Uganda Christian University has released the provisional list of shortlisted applicants for the Bachelor of Law, Medicine and Dentistry programs. If you or someone you know applied for any of the mentioned courses, please click the buttons below to download a list of any of the 3 courses:

Caution to Applicants

We would like to remind all applicants that any lists in circulation that do not have the signature and stamp of approval from the office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs should be disregarded.

We are still accepting applications

Additionally, we would like to inform all interested applicants that we are still receiving applications for the programs mentioned above. The Deadline is March 31st March, 2023.

How to Apply: Watch the video below

A message from the UCU Vice Chancellor

UCU Vice Chancellor, Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi welcomes you to UCU.

Click here to apply online

Prof Nyende publishes book

UCU’s Professor Nyende Publishes Comprehensive 300-Page Book: A Must-Read for all Bible scholars

By Jimmy Siyasa

A Q&A about the book

Tell us about the book in summary

The book, entitled 299-page book titled The Restoration of God’s Dwelling and Kingdom is published by Langhams Publishing. It is a reading of the Bible as an integrated whole from Genesis to Revelation. Starting from Genesis, the books of the Bible are read together as a unified whole, i.e. as one book.

From Genesis, I establish that God created the world to be a part of his kingdom and his dwelling with human beings. However, God’s creative intentions were disrupted when humans rebelled against God (in the event that is commonly known as the fall).

I, therefore, trace through the Old Testament the story of the way God acted to restore the world to his kingdom and to be his dwelling with humans. This story comes to a conclusion in the New Testament with the promise of the new Jerusalem coming down. At that time, the world will once again become a part of God’s kingdom and his dwelling with human beings.

Prof Nyende publishes book
Prof Nyende inside his study room. Photo: Jimmy Siyasa

What would you say is the relevance of this book to theological training and pastoral ministry in the 21st Century?

The giving of God’s word through proclaiming and teaching is integral to pastoral ministry. But pastors can only do so when they link and relate the individual sections of the Bible to the whole content of the Bible. This book helps them to a good extent to do so by familiarising themselves in depth with the whole content of the Bible from the standpoint of salvation which is the chief concern of the Bible. Indeed pastors and theological students are the core audience of the book.

What should any reader expect to learn or pick from the book?

An in-depth study of the whole Bible thereby attaining an overview of the message of the Bible. This is why I say that this book is for those who love the Word of God and desire to study it in depth. I can assure you that once they start reading it, they will not put it down until they finish it.

A video discussion of the book

New Guild President and Vice Chancellor

UCU Kampala Campus Celebrates and 25th Guild Government Swearing-In

By Mercy Mukhaye

Uganda Christian University (UCU) Kampala Campus witnessed an exciting event today, March 7, 2023, as the 25th Guild Government officials were officially sworn in. The long-awaited ceremony was graced by the University Vice-Chancellor, Assoc. Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi, who urged the newly elected guild officials to be solution-givers and transformative leaders in the country.

Guild Petitions

The elections were initially held on November 22, 2022, but a petition filed by Martha Nachirwanda delayed the ceremony. The petition was the result of her dissatisfaction with the election results in which Zedekia Ssekyonda emerged as the winner. However, a re-election was held last week on Friday, and Zeddekia still emerged as the winner.

VC and Prez
New Guild President Zedekiah and the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Mushengyezi share a photo moment at the UCU Kampala Campus facility that is still under construction. Photo: Emmanuel Ilungole

The new Guild President, Zedekia Ssekyonda, expressed his relief, saying, “This has been a long-awaited day even with the petitions, but this is a big relief to me.” Lillian Nabaasa Tumwine, the MP Law Day, also expressed her gratitude and belief that more opportunities would come her way because leadership comes from God.

Crowd and Kla campus
Some of the students who attended the swearing-in service. Photo: Emmanuel Ilungole

The University Vice-Chancellor commended the guild government for exemplifying Christian leadership by working with the university administration to facilitate a peaceful transition of power from the previous guild government to the newly elected officials. It is hoped that the newly elected officials will uphold the values and traditions of the university while working towards achieving their goals.

The newly elected Guild officials have promised to work tirelessly to serve the students to the best of their abilities. They have also vowed to work towards improving the welfare of the students while ensuring that the university maintains its reputation for excellence.

UCU Guild: A model system

UCU is a model institution of higher learning in Uganda, as far as peaceful students’ guild elections are concerned. The university boasts of a clean sheet of no-election violence ever since its inception in 1997. This swearing-in ceremony is yet another testimony.

The students and staff alike are excited about the future and look forward to the positive changes that the new guild government will bring.


At Uganda Christian University (UCU), students now have the convenience of voting using an electronic voting platform called eChagua. This e-voting system has made the voting process for students more convenient and easy. With eChagua, students can cast their votes from anywhere, anytime, as long as they have an internet connection.

The use of eChagua has eliminated the need for physical ballot papers and the hassle of queuing up to cast a vote. It has also reduced the likelihood of errors and fraud associated with traditional voting methods. By using eChagua, UCU has demonstrated its commitment to leveraging technology to improve the overall voting experience for students.


Discover the Benefits: Apply for the UCU Higher Education Certificate in 2023

About the Higher Education Certificate

The Higher Education Certificate provides learners with the basic introductory knowledge, cognitive and conceptual tools and practical techniques for further higher education studies in their chosen field of study. Attainment of an HEC signifies that the learner has attained a basic level of higher education knowledge and competence in a particular field or occupation and is capable of applying such knowledge and competence in an occupation or role in the workplace. Generally, holders of HEC are expected to be better prepared for further studies and the world of work.

Higher Education Certificate


This is a competency-based curriculum carefully designed to provide study and learning support skills for academic life and academic knowledge needed for further higher education. The knowledge shall emphasize general principles and application. The programme will cater for students interested in both Arts and Science subjects to prepare them for different courses of their choice at University depending on how they have performed. 

Who is eligible?

The HEC Programme is an intensive programme intended for students who have successfully completed the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) or its equivalent but who may not have attained sufficient grades to enrol for Diplomas or Degree programmes.

It is also intended for teachers with Grade III certificates who would like to upgrade to degree programs as well as students from countries whose secondary school qualifications are not considered equivalent to UACE but permit admission into Higher Education in those countries.



The minimum duration of the HEC  programme is 9 months for those who will be full-time and one academic year for those doing recess modular.

Programme Rationale

The current admission requirements to any higher education programme require at least two principal passes for degree programmes and one principal pass and two subsidiaries for a diploma programme.  Unfortunately, there is no remedial programme for candidates who qualify for UACE but have not scored sufficiently good grades to enrol for degree or diploma programmes.  The only available option is for them to repeat Senior Six or enrol for Certificate programmes using the Uganda Certificate of Education. In addition, teachers holding a grade III take a longer route through a diploma to enrol for the degree The programme is therefore intended to provide an alternative route to join higher education.  

Minimum Admission Requirements

  • UCE or its equivalent and UACE with at least two subsidiary passes obtained in principal subjects or its equivalent. For the avoidance of doubt, a holder of UACE with only one principal pass shall be deemed to meet the admission requirements.
  • Vocational Qualifications at level 2 or level 3 of the Uganda Vocational Qualifications Framework. 
  •  Grade III Teacher’s Certificate 
  • Qualifications equivalent to the UACE shall be determined by the National Council in consultation with the Uganda National Examinations Board
  • An ordinary certificate from an institution recognized by NCHE.
  • Students whose foreign secondary school qualifications are not considered equivalent to UACE but permit admission into Higher Education in a foreign country. Such students shall have passed at least five subjects with at least a credit in each of the five subjects. In addition, foreign students whose studies were not conducted in English shall show proof of proficiency in the English Language. The English proficiency centres shall be accredited by NCHE.

Categories of HEC 

  • UCU runs three tracks of Higher Education: Higher Education Arts, Higher Education Physical and Higher Education Biological.
  • Higher Education Arts for those who intend to do Humanities courses at the university such as Law, SWASA, BAED, BBA, and Journalism etc.
  • Higher Education Biological for those who want to pursue: Medicine, Dentistry, Nursing, Agriculture, Environment, Bachelor of Science with Education etc.
  • Higher Education Physical for those who want to pursue Engineering courses, Computer Science, Bachelor of Science with Education, etc. 

For whom is the HEC intended and Why?

  • UACE Holders: The HEC is intended for holders of the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education or equivalent qualifications but who may not have attained sufficient grades to enroll for Diplomas or Degree programmes in Uganda. 
  • Foreign Qualification: The HEC can also serve as a foundation programme for students whose foreign secondary school qualifications are not considered equivalent to UACE but permit admission into Higher Education in the foreign country.
  • Linkage between Vocational Qualifications and Higher Education Qualifications: One of the challenges facing holders of vocational qualifications is the inability to cross to Higher Education at the same levels as those with school qualifications.  For example, although an Enrolled Nursing Certificate is equivalent to the UACE, holders of the former can only join degree programmes after two and a half years of an intermediate diploma in addition to years of experience while holders of UACE can enrol for degree programmes right away. Similarly, teachers holding a Grade III certificate will have to go through a two-year diploma to have access to a degree program.  There is a general belief that holders of vocational qualifications and grade III certificate teachers may be highly skilled but lack adequate theoretical foundations to join knowledge-based higher education programmes. A HECA programme has been designed to enrol holders of vocational qualifications and teachers with Grade III certificates, exposing them to rigorous theoretical foundations that will enable them to pursue desired higher education programmes.

Dominate the Court: UCU to host two-day Invitational Basketball Tournament with 13 Elite Teams

By Mercy Mukhaye

Basketball fans, mark your calendars! Uganda Christian University (UCU) is proud to host a two-day invitational basketball tournament featuring 13 teams from across the country. This exciting event is set to take place on Saturday, March 4 and Sunday, March 05, 2023, and it promises to be a thrilling showcase of talent and sportsmanship.

Basketball tournament

UCU Lady Canons 2
UCU Canons rejoicing after winning the 2022 Women’s National Basketball Championship.

The tournament is a crucial part of the UCU Lady Canons‘ preparations for their upcoming season. The Lady Canons are eager to showcase their skills in front of their supporters and demonstrate their readiness to take on the competition. Despite losing some players, the team has been training hard since January 10th, and they are more than ready to bring home a win for their university.

At a press conference held earlier today, the team captains expressed their confidence in their team’s ability to perform well in the tournament. The Lady Canons have been blessed with one of the best coaches in the country, and they are confident that they will perform well under his guidance.


2022 squared photo of the UCU Cardinals.

The UCU Lady Cardinals, despite facing some injuries, are also ready to take on the competition. Their captain, Nankya Shadia, assured their supporters that the injuries are manageable, and the team is eager to show their skills on the court.

The tournament promises to be an exciting event for basketball fans from across the country. With 13 teams competing for the title, there will be no shortage of talent and sportsmanship on display. The UCU Lady Canons are known for hosting competitive and exciting tournaments, and this one promise to be no different.

UCU invites basketball enthusiasts to come out and support their team and witness the talent and sportsmanship on display at this two-day invitational basketball tournament. With the support of their fans, the UCU Lady Canons are confident that they will bring home the win for their university.

Research writing

Boost Your Research Writing Skills with UCU’s Free Online Training for Postgraduate Students

By Jimmy Siyasa


Many post-graduate students at Uganda Christian University (UCU) face the challenge of writing a research paper in English, which is not their first language. To help these students, UCU’s Directorate of Postgraduate Studies has initiated a program called the Centre for Research and Academic Writing Services (CRAWs). CRAWs offers online instruction on the various parts of a dissertation and thesis, led by a team of subject matter experts from UCU’s 11 school and faculty areas. The program is designed to introduce students to critical research and writing skills required to complete a research degree, diploma, publishable articles, and other academic reports.

Student studying
Photo Courtesy of Keira Burton:

Learning outcomes and Assessment

Learning outcomes of the program include identifying features of theoretical paradigms, undertaking a literature review, applying approaches to writing first drafts, editing and proofreading, identifying and responding to publication opportunities, and applying time management strategies. Participants who attend at least 75% of the training and complete an assessment requirement receive a certificate. The program is available without charge to all enrolled UCU post-graduate students.

The CRAWs module was launched in May of 2021 and has already had two successful iterations. The first module had 200 students enrolled, with 50 receiving certificates. The biggest challenge expressed by students was how to do problem statements and how to engage methodology. The second module was held in September and October 2022, covering topics such as theory, methodology, questions, objectives, and literature review. The program hopes to incorporate virtual coaching in the future.

DPS overall objective

All members of the DPS staff have advanced degrees and expertise in social science, development studies, and business. The program aims not just to help students finish their degrees but also to sharpen their skills to be used elsewhere and yield quality papers worthy of being published and used by other researchers. The analytical skills learned through the program are valuable in multiple careers.

The program’s organizers are dedicated to serving the students and believe in the importance of research and its ability to change the world. The program’s success has already helped many post-graduate students at UCU overcome language barriers and achieve their academic goals.

Green energy

UCU Researchers Secure €53,000 for Green Energy Project

By Jimmy Siyasa

Uganda Christian University (UCU) has received a grant of €53,000 from the Innovation Fund for Development (IFD) to support a major green energy project. The project, which will be led by Professor William Kisaalita, a visiting professor at UCU, aims to tackle climate change by replacing natural charcoal with long-lasting, eco-friendly briquettes made from bamboo.

Purpose of project

The project will involve conducting a technical feasibility study in educational institutions’ kitchens and addressing knowledge gaps on the use of “green” bamboo charcoal and firewood. The researchers hope to build the value chain of bamboo-based energy sources in Uganda, a country where bamboo grows naturally in different regions.

Why Bamboo?

Bamboo has not been fully explored for high-value chains such as energy and fabrics, despite its potential to contribute significantly to soil and water conservation, biodiversity conservation, climate change mitigation, and the green economy. The researchers believe that bamboo’s environmental sustainability, coupled with its potential to store more carbon than many other tree species, make it an ideal raw material for eco-friendly briquettes.

The UCU Sustainable Development Center

The project will be conducted under the auspices of the UCU Sustainable Development Center (SDC), which was launched in 2022 to leverage current strengths at the intersection of water, energy, and food/feed. By replacing natural charcoal with bamboo-based briquettes, the researchers hope to reduce Uganda’s carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Expected outcomes

In conclusion, this green energy project is a significant step towards addressing the challenge of climate change in Uganda and globally. With the support of the IFD and the expertise of UCU researchers, it is hoped that the project will contribute to the development of a more sustainable energy industry in Uganda and beyond.


Revolutionize agriculture with UCU’s groundbreaking soil humidity robot- A new era in sustainable farming

By Jimmy Siyasa

Uganda Christian University (UCU) has always been at the forefront of technology and innovation. The latest development from the Department of Computing and Technology has students and faculty excited about the potential impact it will have on the environment and agriculture industry. A team of students from the department has developed a robot prototype that tests soil temperature and soil samples’ humidity with accuracy.

This innovation is a result of a long-term project that aimed to create a device that would address the increasingly urgent issue of climate change. The device is equipped with sensors that detect the amount of water in the soil and send the data to a central database, which can then be accessed by farmers in the region. This data can be used to determine the appropriate amount of water that crops need, thereby reducing the amount of water that is wasted in irrigation.

One of the robots developed by the UCU Department of Computing and Technology. Courtesy photo.

The lead developer of the robot, Felix Kennedy Akorimo, who is now a Teaching Assistant, explains how the device works in a video posted on the UCU YouTube channel. The robot moves on wheels, with a metal arm that extends into the ground to take measurements of the soil humidity. The device is powered by a rechargeable battery, making it easy to use in remote locations.

One of the most significant benefits of the soil humidity robot is its potential impact on the agricultural industry in Uganda. Farmers in the region struggle with water scarcity, and the high cost of irrigation systems often make it difficult for them to keep their crops hydrated. With the robot, farmers can make more informed decisions about the amount of water their crops require, reducing water wastage and maximizing their yields.

In conclusion, the soil humidity robot developed by UCU students is a significant breakthrough in technology that has the potential to address the challenges that farmers face in Uganda. As the device is continually improved for efficiency, it is anticipated that it will become an essential tool in the fight against climate change and in promoting sustainable agriculture. UCU remains committed to driving innovation in technology and nurturing the next generation of leaders in the field.

Health Crises and Media Discourses in Sub-Saharan Africa: New Book

New Book: Dralega, C.A., and Napakol, A. (eds). Health Crises and Media Discourses in Sub-Saharan Africa. Springer, Cham.

A Review

This is an open-access book that brings together leading scholars and critical discourses on political, economic, legal, technological, socio-cultural and systemic changes and continuities intersecting media and health crises in Sub-Saharan Africa. 

The volume extensively discusses COVID-19 but it also covers other epidemics, such as malaria, HIV/AIDS as well as “silent” health crises such as mental health—simmering across the subcontinent.

The chapters fill knowledge gaps, highlight innovations, and unpack the complexities surrounding the media ecosystem in times of health crises. They explore, among other issues, the politics of public health communication; infodemics; existential threats to media viability; draconian legislations; threats to journalists/journalism; COVID-related entrepreneurship, marginalization, and more.

This is a timely resource for academics, advocacy groups, media practitioners and policymakers working on crises and media reporting, not just in Africa but anywhere in the global South.


…Some African responses on media and health issues are examined in this book by a whole new generation of public health communicators who are homegrown, African graduates, sometimes of international research and training collaborations, who are responding to their own particular national environments. Just as African scholarship and health campaign strategy can positively inform global approaches, the support of the big Northern publishers—in this case, Springer—is just as important. Where the earlier generation cut their teeth on HIV/AIDS, the new generation seems destined to deal with successive and increasingly intense and interrelated crises: health, climate change and environmental degradation. Thus this is one book that can speak intelligently to these issues from the perspective of the Global South. And, the task that they are taking on is herculean.Foreword by Keyan Gray Tomaselli– University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa

The book cover and contents can be accessed here: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-95100-9

About the Editors


Dr. Carol Azungi Dralega is an Associate Professor and Head of Research at the Department of Journalism, Media and Communication, NLA University College, Kristiansand, Norway. She holds a Ph.D. in Media and Communication Studies from the University of Oslo, Norway.


Dr. Angella Napakol is a researcher and Senior Lecturer at the School of Journalism, Media and Communication, Uganda Christian University. She holds a Ph.D. in Mass Communication/Media Studies, from the University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.

How conspiracy beliefs affect COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy

By Dr. Emilly Comfort Maractho

The outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in 2020 created substantial fear among communities and countries about the future. It seemed to have come from ‘nowhere’ even after China announced its arrival. Many questions arose as to whether it was deliberately created and released by scientists and their allies for some unknown reasons. 

Governments across the globe launched interventions to facilitate the public’s compliance with preventive and mitigative measures, also known as Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). The measures included physical distancing also known as social distancing, regular handwashing, wearing masks, and vaccination to boost herd immunity

Speculation soon became a common feature of COVID-19, about the cause, the effects, and the people behind it. Theories begun to emerge around these issues. 

Uganda enacted legislations, restrictions, policies and interventions to prevent and mitigate the spread and impact of COVID-19. These included, but were not limited to, the Uganda Public Health (Control of COVID – 19) Rules, 2020; guidelines on mass gatherings including social meetings such as burials and weddings; guidelines on meeting at workplaces, guidelines on use of public transport; among others.  

Whereas the world was relieved about the availability of COVID-19 vaccines, emergent concerns around safety and effects were prevalent. The concerns and doubts about vaccines were mainly driven by conspiracy theories related to COVID-19 vaccination, sometimes widely shared among the population.  

Conspiracy theories cannot be taken lightly. At Uganda Christian University, Prof. Kukunda Elizabeth Bacwayo, an Associate Prof. of Governance and Development in the School of Social Sciences, with a multi-disciplinary team of colleagues from UCU were awarded a research grant by the university to study how conspiracy beliefs affected COVID-19 vaccination hesitancy in Uganda. In a three-year project that covers a large-scale online and physical survey of over 1000 respondents, to be followed by in-depth interviews, the team aims at examining the conspiracy beliefs and their implications for COVID-19 vaccination in Uganda. 

The research is guided by five specific objectives, namely: 

(i) To measure the extent to which conspiracy belief about vaccination against COVID-19 is spread among Ugandans; 

(ii) To establish the relationship between conspiracy belief and vaccination hesitancy in Uganda; 

(iii) To explore the interaction between exposure to COVID-19 conspiracy theories and individual vaccination decisions; 

(iv) To examine the gendered impact of conspiracy belief on vaccination hesitancy; 

(v) To examine how the conspiracy beliefs of adults are likely to affect decision to vaccinate children for COVID-19.  

The researchers note that, whereas in developed countries studies have already established the significant relationship between conspiracy theories and decline in vaccination rates, such studies are very few in developing countries. For instance, Maftei and Holman in 2020, in their study, ‘beliefs in conspiracy theories, intolerance of uncertainty, and moral disengagement during the coronavirus crisis’ highlighted that conspiracy beliefs had significant impact on disobeying the social distancing regulations seeking to limit the spread of the SARS-CoV-2.

The researchers are aware that in countries like Uganda with a population highly characterized by low education and poor access to information, beliefs in conspiracy theories and impact are expected to be high.  Still, little is known and done to minimize the impact of misinformation on COVID-19 prevention. In addition, with more people owning smartphones, conspiracy theories are likely to flourish as a result of high exposure to various ideas. 

Some of the examples of conspiracy theories include:

  • The belief that the G5 cellular network is responsible for causing COVID-19,
  • Bill Gates’ plan to depopulate the world,
  • Vaccinations having microchips that can be used to monitor behaviour. 
  • Others include the belief that those who get vaccinated will die in a few years, and that the whole COVID-19 pandemic was a political stunt.  

The primary outcome of this study is to understand how conspiracy beliefs affect the individual willingness to get vaccinated. Findings from this study could be used to improve on the efforts geared towards pro-vaccine attitudes and interest in COVID-19 vaccination. The main outcome will be a change in behavior towards vaccination for COVID-19 despite the existence of conspiracy theories and management of future vaccination drives.

The research has gone through both institutional and national ethical clearance processes. The first phase has been completed and will soon be made public. 

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