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UCU Kids Day Care Centre offers staff children Godly upbringing

UCU Kids Day Care Centre offers staff children Godly upbringing

By Irene Best Nyapendi
Working parents continue the struggle to find a convenient, safe and responsible child care school that gives them a peace of mind as they do their jobs. For Uganda Christian University (UCU) staff members, the dilemma is less because of a high-quality Kids Care Centre on the Mukono campus.

Deborah Mugawe, the administrator, said the Kids Care Centre offers day care to children of UCU current and former staff and students, those of UCU service providers and those recommended by the above categories. The plan is to expand the school to UCU’s general community members who subscribe to Christian values and principles. 

“One can be sure of the child’s safety, good moral and Godly values as well as quality learning,” Mugawe said.

About the UCU Kids Care Centre

The Centre admits children from 1 to 6 years. They are grouped into Toddler Class (1-2 years); Baby Class (3-4); Middle Class (4-5); and Top Class (5-6). There are currently 23 children studying at the Centre that has a capacity for 60 children. School fees are about $191 for a term.

Mugawe recalled one humorous incident involving a child who submitted his workbook for grading. A young boy named Isaiah had a sentence error. He wrote “My name Isaiah” instead of “My name is Isaiah” because he thought the verb “is” was already embedded in his name.  

“I love coming to school to play with my friends, to sing songs like, ‘The Lord is my shepherd’,” said five-year-old student, Nicole Kwikiriza. “I  also love to write.”

The Centre incorporates play and education based on an integrated system of Uganda and basic early learning format.

How UCU staff is benefitting from the Kids Care Centre

Rev. Alex Kamoga, the assistant chaplain at UCU and a part-time lecturer at Bishop Tucker School of Divinity and Theology (BTSDT), enrolled his son, Kisakye Kamoga, at the Centre last year based on convenience and holistic learning. 

Children during break time. The Centre services children ages 1 to 6 grouped into Toddler Class of 1-2 years; Baby Class (3-4); Middle Class (4-5); and Top Class (5-6).  In July, there were 23 children at the Centre.
Children during break time. The Centre services children ages 1 to 6 grouped into Toddler Class of 1-2 years; Baby Class (3-4); Middle Class (4-5); and Top Class (5-6). In July, there were 23 children at the Centre.

“I shared a fence with the school,” said Kamoga, a resident of Tech Park. “Usually in the morning, we would see my son going to the fence to listen to the children at the school as they read the Bible and sang; that inspired me to take him there.”

Kamoga said his son is now able to count with added confidence because teachers encourage him to express himself.

 “I am glad my son has learnt to pray and memorized a few verses,” he said.

The Rev. Can. Rose Ekirunga Muhumuza, a BTSDT lecturer, is a mother of two children under age five at the Kids Care Centre. Muhumuza said it was a necessity for her to take her children there when she joined UCU in 2020 because she had a two-year-old child and no nanny.

“The UCU Kids Care Centre is one of the blessings I found here. When I interacted with the teachers there, I loved the way they look after the children,” she said, adding that having her children in the centre makes her a better lecturer as it “lessons my burden” and allows her fuller concentration on teaching. 

Daphine Okiria Nabimanya, who works at the UCU church relations office, recommended the school to her brother for his son – her nephew who now lives with the aunt. 

“When I am busy, the teachers at the Centre look after him for me until I pick him after work,” she said. “Sometimes, I even pick him up at 7 p.m. on days when I have a lot of work.”

Nabimanya said in less than a year, there was a remarkable turnaround in the life of a boy who was shy and didn’t speak English. 

“Now, he speaks English and is confident,” she said, adding. “I am happy that my nephew has learnt how to pray.”

UCU Alumna Shines as Outstanding Graduate at LDC

By Irene Best Nyapendi

Jemimah Jehopio, an accomplished graduate of Uganda Christian University (UCU), has emerged as the most exceptional graduate at the 50th Law Development Centre (LDC) graduation ceremony.

With an impressive collection of awards that included the prestigious Director’s List, LDC/Agaba Muhairwe Prize, and Inspector General of Government Award, Jehopio left no doubt that she had soared above her peers at the Kampala campus graduation held on June 23.

Overwhelmed with joy and delight, Jehopio expressed her excitement upon receiving the highest number of awards at the graduation ceremony. “I am extremely thrilled to receive these awards; they represent the fulfilment of my dreams. These accolades acknowledge my dedication and are pivotal for my future career endeavours,” said Jehopio, her eyes, gleaming with joyful pride.

Jehopio’s journey through LDC was not for the faint of heart. It demanded her time, energy, and unwavering commitment. But she approached it with an unwavering determination to give it her all. Having traversed the world of theory during her undergraduate years at the UCU School of Law, LDC became her gateway to unravelling the intricacies of the law, transforming her into a true legal professional.

Jehopio on her graduation day. Courtesy Photo

“At LDC, I had the privilege to apply the theories I acquired during my undergraduate studies through seminar sessions, court visits, and interactions with government agencies, enabling me to witness firsthand how the law operates,” explained Jehopio.

A beacon of inspiration, Jehopio fervently urges fellow students embarking on the same journey to seize every opportunity that comes their way. She knows all too well the whispers of doubt that can cloud one’s path, but she advocates for silencing those voices and embracing steady self-belief. “As students, we must exercise unwavering self-discipline. When the weight of work threatens to overwhelm us, it is in those moments that we must push harder, challenge ourselves, and remain steadfast in our pursuit of excellence,” Jehopio advised, her words infused with the wisdom of experience.

Jehopio attributes her victory to the unwavering emotional and financial support from her parents throughout the demanding and costly journey at LDC. Currently working as an advocate at Sebalu & Lule Advocates Law Firm, Jehopio expresses her deep passion for teaching and plans to pursue a career in academia.

Receiving a congratulatory call from UCU Vice Chancellor, Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi, further amplified Jehopio’s joy in recognition of her remarkable achievements. Prior to achieving First Class Honors in Bachelor of Laws at UCU, she obtained a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Chemistry from Makerere University.

Jehopio has also been the recipient of numerous awards, including the John H. Jackson Moot Court 2020, the National Disability Rights Moot Court 2019, the Nuremberg Moot Court 2019, and the Uganda National Mathematics Contest 2015.

Furthermore, she has held significant leadership positions, including Guild Vice President and Guild Minister of Education and Sports at UCU, as well as Firm Leader at the Law Development Centre.

UCU Graduates top LDC list in 2023

In the Law Development Center final examination results released a few months ago this year, students who graduated from Uganda Christian University (UCU) topped the list of first-class graduates.

Out of the total number of 20 first-year students from the bar course, at least nine had gone through UCU’s law school. The rest, according to the list were from across the universities.

Among the first classes, the top four were all from UCU. The nine include Emmanuel Okia with a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 4.90, Shamira Kitimbo with 4.80, Reagan Ahumuza with 4.75, and Jemimah Jehopio with a CGPA of 4.70. Others are Ernest Ayesiga with a 4.55, Samuel Odiye with a 4.50, Josephine Namagembe with a 4.40, and Martha Uwizeye with a 4.40.

Students marvel at innovation

UCU Robotics Students Spark Innovation at Ntare School in Mbarara

By Irene Best Nyapendi

On June 24th, students from Uganda Christian University (UCU) in the Department of Computing and Technology in collaboration with Google, through the UCU Google Student Developers’ Club, paid a visit to Ntare School in Mbarara to inspire secondary students with their impressive innovations.

The Ntare School Robotics Colloquium saw the participation of at least four secondary schools: Bweranyangyi Girls Secondary School, Mbarara Secondary School, Nyamitanga Secondary School, and Kigezi High School.

During the colloquium, UCU students showcased several projects aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These projects aimed to address various community issues through innovative solutions.

Google Students Team at Ntare
One of the UCU Robotics team members exhibits one of UCU’s homemade robots. to Ntare students Photo/Irene Nyapendi

The exhibition not only allowed the UCU students to demonstrate their practical skills but also provided a valuable learning experience for the Ntare School students.

Students’ Thoughts on the innovation expo

Rachel Mbeiza Isooba, a student pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, was thrilled to participate in the exhibition and inspire her fellow students. She shared, “Being able to showcase our projects to the Ntare School students and witness their enthusiasm was incredibly rewarding. I hope it encourages them to explore their own innovative ideas.”

Joseph Miiro Luutu, another UCU student specializing in artificial intelligence and robotics, recognized the impact of such events on students’ growth. He stated, “It was an honour to be part of the exhibition and share my knowledge with the Ntare School students. By introducing them to robotics and technology, we hope to inspire them to pursue their passions and make a difference in their community.”

The Ntare School students were captivated by the innovative projects presented by the UCU students. The practical demonstrations left a lasting impression, igniting their curiosity and motivating them to delve deeper into the world of robotics. With the guidance and support from innovation-driven institutions like UCU, the students are poised to unleash their creativity and drive positive change through technology and innovation.

Other voices

Martin Kubona, a tutor in the Department of Computing and Technology, explained that their participation in the exhibition was intended to inspire young people to leverage innovation in solving problems within their communities.

He emphasized the significance of exposing their students to different communities across the country, allowing them to gain a broader perspective on various issues. He stated, “At the department, we emphasize project-based learning, allowing our students to put what they learn in class into practice and exhibit their work to the community.”

The event served as an enlightening experience for their students, as they witnessed how other young individuals were tackling problems through innovative projects. “Inspiring the younger generation aligns with our department’s goals. When secondary students observe UCU students exhibiting their projects, they are motivated to explore and see if they can achieve similar or even better outcomes,” said Kubona.

He further highlighted the uniqueness of the exhibition, specifically how secondary students aligned their projects with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). He noted that while many people come up with projects, often those projects fail to address any specific problem.

Ntare students

Wilson Ndeze, the Deputy Head Teacher of Ntare School, expressed gratitude to UCU for providing hands-on technical knowledge to his students. He explained that since the government transitioned from a knowledge-based to a competency-based curriculum, the UCU team’s involvement in skilling young innovators held immense significance.

“We are extremely grateful to UCU for sharing practical knowledge with our students and inspiring them to embrace innovation as a means to solve problems within their community,” Ndeze said. He emphasized that these learners reside in societies facing numerous challenges, and exhibitions like these help open their minds to innovative solutions.

Joseph Twinomugisha, a senior three student from Ntare School was inspired and motivated by the UCU team to embark on his own projects. “Today I’ve learnt from the UCU team that if you have an idea, you need to involve other people so that they can advise and finance you to grow your project,” Twinomugisha said.

He adds that he is so grateful to UCU because robotics has been a silent element of endeavour in the study of sciences, at their school. “We appreciate UCU for bringing us samples of their work and helping us get ideas of projects to work on,” Twinomugisha said.

Kadaga of East Africa and Mushengyezi

Uganda Christian University Hosts Minister of East African Community Affairs, Kadaga

By Irene Best Nyapendi

On June 26th, Uganda Christian University (UCU) hosted a team from the Ministry of East African Community Affairs (EAC) led by the Minister of East African Community Affairs, Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga.

The team sensitized the UCU community on the mandate of EAC and matters on regional integration. Kadaga emphasized the importance of EAC towards fostering unity and cooperation among countries.

Kadaga on the mandate of the EAC

“We’ve come a long way, and as a country which is landlocked need to have this integration. The African people have for long wanted to have the United States of Africa but has been delayed because of various political differences which is why we have a regional economic block that will eventually become the basis of the integration,” Kadaga said.

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Prof. Mushengyezi, Vice Chancellor (L), Hon. Kadaga (Center) and Mr. David Mugawe, Deputy Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration (R) walking to the UCU auditorium. Photo by Andrew Bugembe

She mentioned that as EAC they have security interests in the region because what happens in the neighbouring communities affects each member state due to the many ways they are linked.

While addressing the UCU community, Kadaga mentioned that some of the challenges they face in implementing policies are the mindset of the population. Hence the need for enlightenment. Furthermore, Kadaga pledged to address the challenges of international students who often struggle to travel and study in Uganda and vice versa.

On his part, the UCU Vice Chancellor, Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi commended Kadaga for the initiative of coming to sensitize the UCU community about the EAC. He explained that the issues affecting EAC affect UCU directly as a member of the university which is part of the Inter-university Council of East Africa to which he is UCU’s representative.

“We do appreciate the work you continue to do for EAC, especially as you fight very aggressively the non-tariff barriers that sometimes crop up which hamper business in EAC, implementation of our protocols, treaty and free movement of persons and goods in our region,” Mushengyezi said.

On a light note, he further noted that Kadaga is a parent and friend of UCU because her son, “Timothy Kadaga,” was the institution’s 22nd guild president.

The Vice-Chancellor, additionally, mentioned that UCU is a very active university when it comes to EAC affairs because it has a very big representation of students from neighbouring countries including; Tanzania, Kenya, Malawi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Burundi, South Sudan, Nigeria, among others.

“As a university, we also participate in the African mobility program for lecturers which we have embraced through the inter-university council for East Africa,” Mushengyezi said.

Over the years, UCU has managed to recruit academic experts from across the East African region to lecture and conduct research on campus, which best practice facilitates cross-border knowledge and skill exchange.

Edith Mwanje, Permanent Secretary Ministry of East African Community Affairs appreciated UCU for hosting them to share about the issues of East African Integration.

“We are so grateful to UCU for giving us this opportunity to implement a part of our big agenda of reaching out to our stakeholders and share with them information on the benefits of what we do and why we do it,” Mwanje said.

She noted that the visit was the beginning of a long journey that they are to have with UCU. She urged the university to form an association of East Africans through which communication can be made to keep the students updated on the happening within the region.

Mwanje explained to the UCU community about the EAC treaty that was signed in 1999, emphasizing the importance for the community to remind themselves of certain facts about EAC.

EAC visit
The guests pose for a group photo with members of the UCU Community. Photo by Andrew Bugembe

The treaty for the establishment of EAC was signed in 1999 and became operational in 2000. The regional community is a regional inter-governmental organization meaning we take decisions collectively as Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, Burundi, South Sudan and DRC.

Through EAC, the customs union which came into force in 2004, eliminates tax of goods within the partner states such that goods produced in Uganda can move freely to neighbouring countries and vice versa. EAC guides the free movement of goods, people, labour, services and capital from one Partner state to another as well as the rights of establishment and residence without restriction.

However, the journey through the EAC still has challenges in the implementation of its policies.

UCU’s 25th guild president Timothy Ddumba commended the team from EAC for their timely visit. A time when UCU is celebrating International Students.

“I’ve heard the wonderful ideas in the pipeline of getting implemented but perhaps we are facing a challenge of enforcing these policies. So, unlike other institutions, we are students who won’t remind you of your problems but rather problem solvers, because that’s what we do,” Ddumba said.

He stated that through the university’s various initiatives, they will start an East African Students’ Association. Click the video below to watch the rest of the programme

“Unikonversationz”: UCU rolls out first-ever audio-visual university podcast in Uganda

By Irene Best Nyapendi

Uganda Christian University (UCU) has launched the first-ever audio-visual university podcast in Uganda dubbed “Unikonversationz”.

About the UCU-based UniKoversationz podcast

This is an inaugural university podcast that seeks to stimulate intellectual conversations and social commentary that appeal to and are relevant to university students or semi-educated people. Our goal is to provoke thought on topical issues ranging from academia, Christianity, worldviews, social life on campus, growth, personal improvement, etc. Our guest/guests take on intriguing subjects and discuss them with utmost precision.
While the podcast is curated by a team based at UCU, its appeal stretches beyond the university to broader audiences in Uganda and beyond. The audio-visual podcast is available on our YouTube channel.

Below is a glimpse of our first-ever audio-visual university podcast.

Over 60 UCU theology students thrilled on study tour

By Irene Best Nyapendi

Over 60 Uganda Christian University (UCU) Students of theology has toured various locations for purposes of appreciation of church history and general spiritual enlightenment. First, they went to St Paul’s Cathedral, then the Provincial Office C.O.U, after that, the Archbishop’s Palace in Namirembe; and finally, the Namugongo Martyrs sites-Anglican Church of Uganda. They were thrilled at the wealth of history that the church has preserved for several decades.

About the UCU study tour

The study tour was organized by the church relation office of UCU and school of theology.

By sightseeing historic sites, attending service at St. Paul cathedral, visiting the archbishop’s palace, partaking in other learning activities, the students experienced the church history of Uganda.

Rev Canon Amos Turyahabwe, the Head of Pastoral and Practical Studies, stated that they organized this study tour to offer its students a better and practical vision of the church history.

 “We saw that it’s not enough for us to only give the students theory so we organized a study tour to give our students exposure of the church history, to know where the headquarters are, where the first diocese was, to see and hear what the martyrs went through,” Turyahabwe said.

He adds that it was vital for the students to physically see some of the things that they learn in class to enhance their understanding.

While at St. Paul Cathedral Namirembe, which is the oldest and biggest chapel in Uganda, the students saw where the bishops sit, the grave of Bishop James Hannington.

Hannington was meant to be the first Bishop of C.O.U unfortunately he was murdered on his way to Uganda hence Bishop Alfred Tucker became the first bishop of C.O.U.

The students were also exposed to tour around the head offices of the Anglican Church, where they learnt that the term of service for the bishops is 10 years.

At the province they met UCU Alumni Andrew Agawa who is currently the Director of Households and community transformation.

Agawa appreciated the university team for organizing such a study tour because many individuals would love to have it but they cannot access it.

“As theologians it is good for you to have this because many people have never had this opportunity, because when they come in here as individuals chances are low that they can be given access to these places,” Agawa said.

Agawa went ahead to introduce some of the province leaders to the students as they got to learn more about church management and leadership.

The students also had time to visit the Most Rev. Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu’s palace in Namirembe where they were happily welcomed by his wife, Margaret Naggayi Bulya. Together with the students they sung the famous song “Tumutendereze Yesu”.

She appreciated the students for answering Gods call upon their life and cautioned them not to carry themselves into ministry but to do it in response to God’s call.

“Thank you for answering God’s call upon your life because when God calls you, he will sustain you because while here you are standing in the feet of God,” she said.

She urged the students to let Jesus have the lead in their life and prayed a blessing upon their life.

“May you leave UCU and go and serve and not focus on wealth or positions because when you do well, God takes you to greater heights because God loves humble steadfast people,” Naggayi prayed for the students.

The students reaped from the study tour, one way or another, from the journey which enhanced their intellectual and academic knowledge on the church history.

According to some of the students, the study tour encouraged them to know that the things they are reading about isn’t just theoretical but they are real things.

The study tour also encourages the students to believe more as they are prepared for ministry.

Theology Students share their study tour experience

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Theology students heading to the Archbishop’s palace.

Ronald Makoba pursuing a masters of Divinity, narrates that it has been a great experience for him looking at the history of C.O.U through the portraits at the site.

“In class we take notes, talk about the church history in Uganda but I had never seen these places, so visiting these historical places like Namirembe gave me exposure and it was an eye opener ,” Makoba said

Makoba was ignited by the mark that has been left by the martyrs which taught him that despite persecution the gospel of Christ must be proclaimed.

 “I’ve been touched looking at those martyrs, it paints a picture to us to be practical and I also saw the importance for us to lay foundations for others,” Makoba said.

Margret Nakalena pursuing a masters in Divinity says it was an experience of enlightenment for her to understand the administrative structure of the church.

“It’s been a wonderful experience physically seeing what we have been taught in class so now when we go back to class the discussions won’t only be from text but our mind will flash back to what we saw and heard today,” Nakalena said.

She explains that she is now able to know where each church is set and also learnt that it’s at the province that the important decisions in the dioceses are made.

“I also learnt that St. Paul Cathedral, Namirembe is of great significance to both Buganda and the government,” she added.

During this study tour, Stella Betty Abarob, pursuing a masters in Theology, had the opportunity to learn about the founders of the church and the historical background of the church.

This gave Abarob an opportunity to appreciate the fact that C.O.U has a great foundation that helps to strengthen our faith.“ It was my first time touring these historical places and the experience has been transformational. I have really enjoyed this tour each of the places we went to, I had something to learn,” Abarob said.

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Rev. Richard Mulindwa (extreme right) leading students to the archbishop’s palace.

Rev. Richard Mulindwa, Ag. Manager of the UCU Church Relations office, says that the rationale for this study tour was for the students to know the history of the C.O.U, and to know the women and men who highly sacrificed for the faith they are enjoying.

“We think this has been a source of great exposure for our theology students as they venture into other key places in C.O.U so when it comes to the time of their training they will be grounded and will have the history of where we have come from,” Mulindwa said.

He adds that the study tour is part of the students training and formation, because other than the formation in classes this is the formation in the sense of practicum.


UCU to hold Graduation in July: Notice to All Graduands & Parents

We are pleased to inform you that Uganda Christian University will hold a graduation ceremony on Friday, July 28, 2023, at the Main Campus in Mukono, Uganda.

It will be the First Part of the 24th congregation for the conferment of Degrees and awards in Diplomas will take place at the Main Campus on Friday, July 2023.

Eligibility for Graduation

  • Clearance with the relevant university departments by Friday, June 30, 2023
  • Display of graduand’s name on the notice board, all social media platforms and website on Monday, July 10, 2023
  • The faculty will require your clearance form and UCU ID/Passbook when obtaining your transcript and certificate immediately after graduation.

Graduation Fees

Master’s and Undergraduate studentsUGX 300,000/ $82
Postgraduate diplomas and DiplomasUGX 270,000/ $74

Academic Gowns & Hoods

  • Students can pick Academic Gowns and Hoods from their respective Faculties/Schools starting from Wednesday, July 12, 2023.
  • When picking your gown and hood, the faculty will require your clearance form and UCU ID/Passbook.

Commissioning service


For further inquiries

Contact reception at Academic Affairs Office in person at the UCU Main Campus, Mukono or call 0312350880.

Click here to read more

Rev. Assoc. Prof. Kitayimbwa Appointed Chairperson of RENU

By Irene Best Nyapendi

Rev. Assoc. Prof. John Mulindwa Kitayimbwa, has been appointed Chairperson of the Research and Education Network Uganda (RENU). This happened during the recent Board of Directors strategic planning retreat, where a new era was ushered in for RENU.

Table of Contents

About RENU

RENU establishes collaboration among Uganda’s research and education institutions for knowledge creation, sharing, and utilization, through the provision of advanced networking and other advanced technical services.

According to Kitayimbwa, RENU was established to address through it the provision of reliable and affordable connectivity of research and education institutions in Uganda, which is being achieved.

The connectivity through RENU has afforded member institutions access to vast information and resources, facilitated communication and collaboration, enabled use of online education and research tools, allowed sharing of education and research infrastructure across Ugandan institutions, and facilitated easier dissemination of education materials  and research findings,”

Assoc. Prof. Kitayimbwa

He adds that RENU has surely become the engine that is helping many research and education institutions achieve the connectivity that they need at an affordable rate.

 “RENU now offers a broad range of services to research and education such as Learning Management System, web conferencing, eduroam, cloud hosting, and identity federation among others,” Kitayimbwa said.

Kitayimbwa in a special way appreciates Prof. Stephen Noll and other previous chairpersons explaining that it’s on their shoulders he is now to stand. He replaces Eng. Dr. Dorothy Okello whose service ended in April of this year.

He has served on RENU the Board of Directors, first as a member, then as the Deputy Chairperson, as Chairperson of RENU’s Finance, Administration and Human Resource Committee and now as the Chairperson Board of Directors.

Kitayimbwa is the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Academic Affairs at Uganda Christian University (UCU).  He is also a priest within the Church Of Uganda.

He is a highly qualified Ugandan PhD Fellow in Computational Biology at UCU and an astute educationist, with a track record of raising $8 million in research funding from many diverse, international academic sources.

Prof. Janice Busingye the appointed Deputy Chairperson, congratulates Kitayimbwa for taking upon such a crucial responsibility. According to her, joining RENU is an opportunity to learn, and be part of the organization’s growth.

RENU is Uganda’s National Research and Education Network. It is a member–based organization, founded in 2006 and incorporated in 2008 as a non-profit organization and company limited by guarantee, to uplift the quality of education of research in the country, through the provision of reliable and affordable connectivity and other related ICT solutions tailored for education and research.

UCU welcomes over 2000 first-year students for Trinity Semester

By Irene Best Nyapendi

Uganda Christian University (UCU) welcomed over 2000 first-year students to its main campus in Mukono and its Kampala campuses in the Trinity (May 2023). The students were officially welcomed at induction ceremonies held at both campuses.

Table of Contents

Main Campus

At the Mukono campus, Vice Chancellor Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi welcomed the students and urged them to uphold the university’s core values of Christ-Centeredness, diligence, integrity, servanthood, and stewardship. He also encouraged them to be committed to their studies and to strive for excellence.

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Vice Chancellor Assoc. Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi leading the induction ceremony in Nkoyoyo Hall.

“Our goal here is to train you to be complete human beings, so you don’t just leave with the head knowledge but with the soft skills and values that make us truly human,” Mushengyezi said.

He was, however, quick to caution students about the existence of intellectuals whose knowledge has made them dangerous to the world, and who promote an ideology that can harm other human beings.

Furthermore, Prof. Mushengyezi noted that misuse of firearms is becoming rampant in the country and students should be careful to not fall victim.

Kampala Campus

Anita and Colleagues

The Kampala campus induction ceremony was held by UCU Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration, Mr. David Mugawe. He urged the students to be “people of integrity with strong moral principles guided by the ideals of honesty and authenticity.”

In addition to the induction ceremonies, the students also attended a weekly community worship service at Nkoyoyo Hall. The service was themed “Guarding the Treasure of your Soul.”

The students come from a variety of backgrounds and represent a wide range of academic interests. They are excited to begin their studies at UCU and to be a part of the university’s vibrant community.

“I’m glad my parents brought me here because I have seen it’s a cool university, the people in it are decent and love God,” said Jovia Kisakye, a first-year student pursuing Higher Education Certificate in Biological.

Students at induction

First-year students from the various schools and faculties including; Business, Education, Law, Agricultural sciences, Journalism, Media and Communication, Public Health, Engineering, Design and Technology attended the induction ceremony at the main campus.

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Vice Chancellor Assoc. Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi leading the induction ceremony in Nkoyoyo Hall.

The induction ceremonies are one of the two special services for the students at UCU, with the second one being the commissioning ceremony. The commissioning ceremony is held at the end of the student’s studies and marks their transition into the workforce.

Government Should Reign in the Growing Misuse of Firearms, UCU Vice Chancellor

Appeal to Government

The Vice Chancellor of Uganda Christian University (UCU), Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi, has appealed to the Government ministry and departments responsible for security to step up supervision of private security firms and other personnel who carry firearms, in order to control their misuse. This follows recent incidents where some university students have fallen victim to incidents of wanton gun violence.

The Vice-Chancellor was speaking today at the induction ceremony for the First Year students who have enrolled for various study programmes for the Trinity (May) semester 2023, at UCU.

Advice to students

He warned the students to be careful how they live their lives, not as unwise but as wise (Ephesians 5:15) and mature citizens, and avoid exposing themselves to dangerous situations.

“Be careful as you go about your social lives and observe personal security. Be vigilant at all times and be your brother and sister’s keeper,” he said.

Unfortunately, two innocent UCU students and other citizens have been victims of the recent problem of misuse of firearms in the country.
This public menace needs to be reigned in before it gets out of hand.

Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi, UCU Vice Chancellor

He said that the University is continuously improving the campus environment to ensure that it is ambient and safe for all our students so that they achieve the academic excellence they came to pursue at UCU.

Watch the Full Speech below

Students at induction
Deans after induction


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