UCU Celebrates 26th Guild Government Swearing-In


By Irene Best Nyapendi
Uganda Christian University (UCU) witnessed a momentous occasion today, November 21, 2023, as the 26th Guild Government officials were formally sworn in. The ceremony was graced by the University Vice-Chancellor, Assoc. Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi, who pledged to support the newly elected leadership.

Mushengyezi commended the university community for conducting a peaceful and successful election at both the Main and Kampala campuses. He expressed his pride in UCU’s history of peaceful student guild elections.
The swearing-in ceremony was a result of a transparent and inclusive electoral process, with students casting their votes electronically using the innovative eChagua platform. This technology-driven approach enhanced accessibility and convenience, enabling students to participate seamlessly from anywhere with an internet connection.

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New UCU Guild Leaders taking the oath of allegiance

The newly elected Guild President, Birungi Agira, won with a total vote of 1156 against her opponent, Emmanuel Abura who got 1023 votes.

Agira together with other newly elected leaders took an oath in front of the UCU community. They vowed to preserve, protect and defend the Guild Constitution.
Agira expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to serve the UCU community. “I am humbled for the opportunity to serve and I’m excited about the possibilities that lie ahead,” Agira said with a wide smile on her face.
She reaffirmed her commitment to the election campaign slogan, “Inclusivity in Action,” pledging to make an impact on the lives of all UCU students.
Timothy Okurut, the newly elected Member of Parliament for the School of Journalism, Media and Communication, expressed his enthusiasm for contributing to UCU’s development.
“The love I’m getting from my friends is overwhelming,” Okurut added. “I see this
leadership position as a great opportunity for me to have an impact on the university.”

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New Guild President Agira and the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Mushengyezi share a photo moment with former Guild President and vice president;Timothy Ddumba and Lydia Natasha Muheire.

The university vice chancellor further applauded the 25th guild government for setting a high standard of service and collaboration. He urged the new members and university at large to continue setting an exemplary standard for what a truly cool campus should embody.
“Let’s continue being a peaceful university setting an example for what a cool campus looks like. Soon, we shall launch a campus renewal that will see UCU be the best university south of the Sahara,” Mushengyezi said.

UCU unveils exciting campus renewal plans

He also announced a comprehensive campus renewal initiative, to further enhance the student experience and foster a vibrant campus environment.

“Soon we shall launch a campus renewal intiative that will see UCU be the best university south of the Sahara,” declared Mushengyezi.
The project will encompass the construction of a state-of-the-art food court, and tarmacking the road along the main gate, eliminating the longstanding inconvenience endured by students during rainy seasons.
Mushengyezi mentioned that UCU is a model institution, as far as peaceful students’ guild elections are concerned. The university boasts of a clean sheet of no-election violence ever since its inception in 1997.
The students and staff alike are excited about the future and look forward to the positive changes that the new guild government will bring.
The 25th guild government will formally hand over to their successors on November 30, marking the beginning of a new era of leadership and service at UCU.