Research Ethics Committee


The number of research projects involving humans as research participants in Uganda has more than quadrupled since 1990s. This increasing quest for knowledge and the search for novel remedies to health, social and other challenges is commendable, but could, if uncontrolled, expose research participants to a spectrum of risks. It is therefore important to have in place a system that promotes beneficial research and guards against unethical research. Oversight of research involving humans as research participants in Uganda is done first at the organizational level by Research Ethics Committees (RECs) and second at the national level by UNCST in collaboration with Uganda National Health Research Organization (UNHRO) for research in health.

The Uganda Christian University (UCU), as a Centre of Excellence in the Heart of Africa, has one of its core values as INTEGRITY and aims to uphold sound moral character, as defined by Biblical principles. UCU therefore has Research Ethics Committee (REC) accredited by The Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST) to review and oversee all research activities involving human subjects in her catchment area.

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