Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi




                  PROF. AARON MUSHENGYEZI


                       Social media: LinkedIn


2007:       Ph.D., University of Connecticut, USA.

2000:       M.A., Makerere University, Uganda.

1996:       B.A. (with First Class Honours), Makerere University, Uganda.

1989:       Diploma in Education (with Second Class Honours, Upper Division), Institute of Teacher Education (ITEK), Kyambogo (now Kyambogo University).


2016-2017: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Centre of African Studies, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, funded by the Cambridge-Africa Partnership for Research Excellence (CAPREx).

2009-2010: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the International Institute for the Advanced Study of Cultures, Institutions and Economic Enterprise (IIAS) in Accra and at the University of Ghana. The Fellowship was funded by the African Humanities Program (AHP) of the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS), USA.

Vice Chancellor

Assoc. Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi


2020-Present: Vice Chancellor, Uganda Christian University.

2014-2020: Dean, School of Languages, Literature and Communication, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Makerere University.

2011-2013: Head, Department of Journalism and Communication, Makerere University.

2013-2020: Chairman University Council, Africa Renewal University, Uganda.

2011-2016: Founder and Board Chairman, Franciscan Investment Co-operative Society (FIC), St. Francis Chapel, Makerere University.

2012-2014: Board Chairman, Almond Investment Club Limited, Kampala, Uganda.

2008-2011: Project Coordinator, Development Partnerships in Higher Education (DelPHE), Makerere University.


2020-Present: External Examiner, University of Ghana, Ghana.

2017-2020: Member of the Steering Committee, Chair of the Scholars Selection Committee & Chairperson of the Staff Recruitment Committee of the MasterCard Scholars Program at Makerere University.

2017-2019: External Reviewer of Doctoral Dissertations for North-West University (Vaal Triangle Campus), South Africa.

2017:       External Examiner, Kyambogo University, Uganda.

2013-2017: External Examiner, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.

2010-2017: External Examiner, Uganda Christian University, Uganda.

2014-Present: Board Member, Advisory Board of Directors for the Confucius Institute at Makerere University and Xiangtan University.


Published Books

Mushengyezi, Aaron (Ed). Media for Young People: An Introduction to Theory and Practice. Kampala: Fountain Publishers, 2017


Mushengyezi, Aaron. Oral Literature for Children: Rethinking Orality, Literacy, Performance and Documentation Practices. Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi Publishers, 2013.

Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi Publishers, 2013.
Accessible at:
Also accessible at:


Mushengyezi, Aaron and Hilda Twongyeirwe (Ed). Never Too Late. Kampala: Femrite Publications, 2010.

Kampala: Femrite Publications, 2010.
Accessible at:



Mushengyezi, Aaron (Co-Edited with Yoweri Museveni, Manuel J. K. Muranga and Alice Muhoozi and Gilbert Gumoshabe. Kavunuuzi Y’Orunyankore/Rukiga omu Rungyereza (Runyankore/Rukiga-English Dictionary). Kampala: Institute of Languages, Makerere University, 2009

Kampala: Institute of Languages, Makerere University, 2009
Accessible at:


Mushengyezi, Aaron (Co-Edited with Edward Wamala, Susan N. Kiguli and Ahmed Kaggwa). Africa in World Affairs: Challenges to Humanities. Kampala: Makerere University, 2004

Kampala: Makerere University, 2004


Mushengyezi, Aaron. Twentieth Century Literary Theory. Kampala: Makerere University, 2003


Mushengyezi, Aaron (Ed). Transforming Communities: Visions for Social Justice Leaders in Uganda. Kampala: AHEAD/IFP, 2008.


Mushengyezi, Aaron. “Forms of Media for Peace Building: Some Examples from Rural Communities in Uganda.” Peace Journalism and Conflict Resolution in the Media [Journalisme pour la paix et résolution de conflit dans les médias/Periodismo de paz y resolución de conflictos en medios], Eds. Bakti, Andi Faisal, Pierre Giguere and Yves Theoret. Paris: UNESCO/ORBICOM/UQAM, 2018: 52-70.


Mushengyezi, Aaron. “Riddling Among the Banyankore and Baganda in Uganda.” Performing Wisdom: Proverbial Lore in Modern Ugandan Society, Ed. Dominica Dipio & Stuart Sillars (Matatu 42; Amsterdam & New York NY: Rodopi, 2013).


Mushengyezi, Aaron. “Problematizing a ‘Fundamentalist’ Ideology: A Close Analysis of Atef Hetata’s The Closed Doors and Phil Mullally’s The Martyrs of Uganda.” Journal of African Cinemas 1.2 (2009): 173-188.


Mushengyezi, Aaron. “Heroic Women in the Legends of Ankole and Kigezi.” Performing Change: Identity, Ownership and Tradition in Ugandan Oral Culture. Ed. Dominica Dipio, Lene Johannesen and Stuart Sillars. Oslo: Novus Press, 2009.


Mushengyezi, Aaron. “Children’s Play Songs of the Baganda: Audience Dynamics, Form and Social Value.” Performing Community: Essays on Ugandan Oral Culture. Ed. Dominica Dipio, Lene Johannesen and Stuart Sillars. Oslo: Novus Press, 2008.


Mushengyezi, Aaron. “Laye, Camara”, “Mwangi, Meja”, “Alembi, Ezekiel”, “Iroaganachi, John”, “Rwakasisi, Rose.” The Oxford Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature. Library Edition. New York: OUP, 2006.


Mushengyezi, Aaron. “Folklore and Contemporary Ideology in Africa: An Assessment of Ankole Myths and Legends.” Africa in World Affairs: Challenges to Humanities. Ed. Edward Wamala, et al. Kampala: Makerere University, 2004.


Mushengyezi, Aaron. “Reimaging Gender and African Traditions? Ousmane Sembène’s Xala Revisited.” Africa Today 51.1 Fall (2004): 46-63


Mushengyezi, Aaron. “Rethinking Indigenous Media: Rituals, ‘Talking’ Drums and Orality as Forms of Public Communication in Uganda.” Journal of African Cultural Studies. June 16.1 (2003): 107-117.


Mushengyezi, Aaron. “The Functional Dynamics of Folk Media in Uganda in the ICT Era.” Africa: Communication Challenges in the 21st Century. Ed. Aaron K.K. Mukwaya, G. Birungyi and Prisca Tibenderana. Kampala: Makerere University, 2004.


Mushengyezi, Aaron (co-authored with Paul Gready, Fiona Anciano, Boitumelo Papane, Zamantungwa Mvelase). “Universities as Sites of Protection: Insights from the Global South on Gender-Based Violence.” Emancipatory Human Rights and the University, Eds. Felisa Tibbitts and Andre Keet (Oxford and New York: Routledge, 2023).

Book Reviews

Mushengyezi, Aaron. Review of Orality: The Power of the Spoken Word, by Graham Furniss. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004.

Accessible at:

Book accessible at:



2020: Co-Principal Investigator on “Proposal for the Establishment of a CHUSS Centre of Excellence for Research on Teaching and Learning.” Funded by: The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Value: USD 800,000.

2018-2019: Co-Principal Investigator on “Planning Grant to Investigate the Establishment of a Centre for Research on Teaching and Learning.” Funded by: The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Value: USD 60,000.

2007: Participated in the Stories Across Africa (StAAf) Early Childhood Anthology Development Project. Funded by: The Early Literacy Unit, University of Cape Town, South Africa.

2008-2011: Principal Investigator and Project Coordinator, “Training Students and Teachers to Write and Illustrate Bi-lingual Books for Primary School Children in Northern Uganda.” The project was a collaboration between Makerere University, Gulu University, School of Oriental and African Studies of the University of London, and Association for the Advancement of Higher Education and Development. Funded by: Department for International Development (DFID) through Development Partnerships in Higher Education (DelPHE). Project value: GBP 75,000.

2014-2019: Project Team Member & Senior Researcher on the collaborative project between Makerere University, Oslo Metropolitan University, University of Juba and College of Journalism and Mass Communication in Nepal, “Strengthening Media in Post-Conflict societies through Education and Research: Bridging Gaps, Building Futures in Uganda, Norway, South Sudan and Nepal.” Funded by: NORAD/NORHED. Value: 18 million NOK.

2009-2010: Principal Investigator for Post-Doctoral Project, “Translating Ugandan Oral Literature for Children: Audience, Form, and Social Relevance.” Funded by: American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) through the African Humanities Program (AHP). Project value: USD 16,000.

2007: Researcher on the NUFU-Makerere Folklore Project, conducted through a linkage between the Department of Literature and the University of Bergen, Norway. Funded by: The Norwegian Programme for Development, Research and Education (NUFU).

2004-2007: Principal Investigator, “From Orality to Literacy: Translating Traditional Ugandan Oral Forms into Texts for Children” (PhD Dissertation), University of Connecticut, USA Funded by: Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program (IFP) and the University of Connecticut.

2001: Co-Investigator, “Orality and Applied Performance as a Technique for Addressing Contemporary Social Issues,” (a link programme between the Department of Literature at Makerere and the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London). Funded by: British Council/Department for International Development (DFID).

2001: Co-Investigator, “Linguistic and Cultural Orientation Manuals (LICOMS) for the Decentralized Districts of Uganda,” through the Innovations at Makerere (I@MAK) Project. Funded by: The Rockefeller Foundation.

2000-2001: Team member for the Children’s Literature Editing and Illustration Project, Institute of Languages, Makerere University. Funded by: The Rockefeller Foundation through the Minds Across Africa School Clubs (MAASC) project.

1998-1999: Principal Investigator, “Towards a Psychoanalytic Understanding of Folk Myths and Legends and their Influence on Cultural Ideology in Ankole,” (MA Dissertation). Funded by: Government of Uganda through Makerere University.


2017-2018: Team Leader for a mid-term evaluation of the project, “Empowering Youth through Vocational Training and Entrepreneurship in Karamoja, Uganda,” implemented by DanChurch Aid.

Funded by: European Union.

2017-2018: Consultant for the A-Plus Project for UNICEF, VSO and British Council. I coordinated a bi-lingual (Ngakaramojong-English) book project and literacy programme in Moroto, Napak, Nakapiripirit and Kotido.

 Funded by: UNICEF through Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) and British Council.

2008:       Consultant for the World Bank project on “Policies and Financial Mechanisms for Culture in Sustainable Development Learning Initiative.” I evaluated Uganda’s National Cultural Policy and presented a proposal for mainstreaming cultural literacy into Uganda’s educational policy and programmes.

 Funded by: World Bank.

2012:       Consultant and Team Leader for the “Literacy in Primary Schools (LiPS) Project” implemented in Iganga District.

Funded by: British Council.

2014-2017: Consultant Trainer in Media and Communication for Training Centre for Development Cooperation (TCDC) in Arusha, Tanzania.

Funded by: Training Centre for Development Cooperation (TCDC).

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