Prof. Elizabeth Balyejusa Kizito



                 ProfElizabeth Balyejusa Kizito

                                       Address: P.O.Box 5168, Kampala


                                       Phone: +256 752141377

                                       Skype: Elizabeth Kizito



2019- Submission for variety certification and release of advanced lines of Solanum aethiopicum and Ammaranthus sp to the National Seed Certification and Variety release Committee, Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries

2018. Design and piloting zero energy cooling technology for vegetables (EU/ PAEPARD under FARA project)


  • PhD Plant Breeding and Biotechnology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden (2006)
  • BSc Agriculture, Makerere University, Kampala (1998)
  • 2018, Fellow, Higher Education Resource Services (HERS), East Africa
  • 2017, Women Scientists Innovating in Africa Fellow (Mujeres por Africa Foundation, Spain)
  • 2007, Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellow
  • 2007, Women in Science and Technology Fellowship, Pennsylvania State University, USA
  • 2006 Outstanding Research Publication Award from the International Centre for Tropical Agriculture, (CIAT), Cali, Colombia.



Nakyewa B., Sseremba G., Kabod, P.N., Rwothtimutung M., Kyebalyenda M., Waholi K., Buteme R., Nakanwangi M.J., Bishop G., & Kizito E.B. 2021. Farmer preferred traits and genotype choices in Solanum aethiopicum L., Shum group. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 17:27.


Apolot M.G, Acham H, Ssozi J, Namutebi A, Masanza M, Kizito E, Jagwe J, Kasharu A and R Deborah. 2020. Postharvest practices along supply chains of Solanum aethiopicum (Shum) and Amaranthus lividus (Linn) leafy vegetables in Wakiso and Kampala districts, Uganda. Afr. J. Food Agric. Nutr. Dev. 2020; 20(3):15978-15991. DOI: 10.18697/ajfand.91.17715


Sseremba, G., Tongoona, P., Eleblu, J.S.Y., Danquah, E.Y., Kaweesi, T., Baguma, Y., Masanza, M. and Kizito, E.B., 2017. Stability of Solanum aethiopicum Shum accessions under varied water deficit stress levels and identification of pertinent breeding traits for resistance to water shortage. Euphytica, 214(1), p.11


Ruth Buteme, Nakajiri M., Kucel N., Kabod P.N., Sseremba G. & Kizito E.B. 2021. Intraspecific crossability and compatibility within Solanum aethiopicum. DOI:


Namutosi W., J. Higenyi, E. Kizito and M. Omodo. 2020. Prevalence and risk factors of gastrointestinal parasite infection in goats in Sironko district, Eastern Uganda. International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry 2020; 5(3): 27-35


Chemonges M., Balyejusa EK., Bisikwa J., Osiru D.S.O. 2013. Phenotypic and physiological traits associated with drought tolerant cassava cultivars in Uganda. Afr Crop Sci Conf Proceed 11:463-469


Mildred Julian Nakanwagi, Godfrey Sseremba, Nahamya Pamela Kabod, Michael Masanza & Elizabeth Balyejusa Kizito. 2020. Identification of growth stage-specific watering thresholds for drought screening in Solanum aethiopicum Shum. Scientific Reports. 10:862


Song, B., Song Y, Fu, Y., Kizito E.B., Kamenya S.N., Kabod P.N., Liu, H., Muthemba S., Kariba R., Njuguna J., Maina S. 2019. Draft genome sequence of Solanum aethiopicum provides insights into disease resistance, drought tolerance and evolution of the genome. GigaScience 8(10), p.giz115


Kasharu A.K., E.B. Kizito, M. Masanza, J. Jjagwe, & A. Namutebi. 2019. Prioritizing issues of losses in African Indigenous Vegetable: Evidence from Solanum aethiopicum Value Chain. International Journal of Current Research. 11:15-19. Doi. org/10.24941/ijcr.32948.01.2019


Kamenya Ndagire Sandra, Stomeo Francesca, Solomon Maina, Joyce Njuguna, Kizito Balyejusa Elizabeth and Odeny Damaris Achieng. 2019. De novo transcriptome assembly of Shum and Gilo groups of the African eggplant (Solanum aethiopicum). Frontiers in Plant Science.


Mildred Julian Nakanwagi, Godfrey Sseremba, Nahamya Pamela Kabod , Michael Masanza, Elizabeth Balyejusa Kizito. 2018. Accuracy of using leaf blade length and leaf blade width measurements to calculate the leaf area of Solanum aethiopicum Shum group. Heliyon. Volume 4, Issue 12


Godfrey Sseremba, Pangirayi Tongoona, John Eleblu, Eric Yirenkyi Danquah, Elizabeth Balyejusa Kizito. 2018. Heritability of drought resistance in Solanum aethiopicum Shum group and combining ability of genotypes for drought tolerance and recovery. Scientia Horticulturae 240:213-220


Kasharu A.K., E. B. Kizito, M. Masanza, J. Jjagwe, A. Namutebi. 2018. Quantifying Physical and Economic Losses of African Indigenous Vegetable Solanum aethiopicum along the Commercial Supply Value Chain. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, ISSN (Paper) 2222-1700 ISSN (Online)2222-2855. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/10-2-08


Apolot Mary Gorret, Joshua Ssozi, Agnes Namutebi, Michael Masanza, Kizito Elizabeth, Deborah Rees and Acham Hedwig. 2018. Changes in Sensory and Quality Characteristics of S. aethiopicum (Shum) and A. Lividus (Linn) Leafy Vegetables along the Supply Chain. American Journal of Food Science and Technology. 6(4)161-166. DOI: 10.12691/ajfst-6-4-5


Sekulya S., Nandutu A, Namutebi A., Ssozi J., Masanza M., Jagwe J. N., Kasharu A., Rees D., Kizito E. B. and Acham H. 2018. Effect of Post-Harvest Handling Practices, Storage Technologies and Packaging Material on Post-Harvest Quality and Antioxidant Potential of Solanum aethiopicum (Shum) Leafy Vegetable. American Journal of Food Science and Technology. 6(4) 167-180. DOI: 10.12691/ajfst-6-4-6


Nahamya Pamela Kabod, Godfrey Sseremba, Ruth Buteme, Michael Masanza and Elizabeth Balyejusa Kizito. 2018. Stability for descriptors of Solanum aethiopicum Shum group (family Solanaceae). Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science. Vol. 10(9): 218-227.


Sekulya S, Agnes Nandutu Masawi, A. Namutebi, J. Ssozi, M. Masanza, B. Kabod, J. N. Jagwe, A. Kasharu, D. Rees, E. B. Kizito. 2018. Antioxidant potential of the farmer preferred selections of Solanum aethiopicum vegetable consumed in central Uganda. European Journal of Biological Research. Vol 8, No 1


Nanyanzi M., Kizito E.B., Masanza M., Sseruwu G., and Tenywa M.M. 2018. Effect of Different Rates of Poultry Manure and Bio-Slurry on the Yield of Solanum aethiopicum Shum. Journal of Agricultural Science 10 No. 4; 2018 ISSN 1916-9752 E-ISSN 1916-9760; doi:10.5539/jas.v10n4p15


Akanyijuka Sam, Acham Hedwig, Tumuhimbise Gaston, Agnes Namutebi, Michael Masanza, John N. Jagwe, Kasharu Apolo, Kizito B. Elizabeth, Deborah Rees. 2018. Effect of Different Processing Conditions on Proximate and Bioactive Contents of Solanum aethiopicum (Shum) Powders, and Acceptability for Cottage Scale Production. American Journal of Food and Nutrition, 6 (2) 46-54


Nakanwagi M.J., Sseremba Godfrey, Michael Masanza and Elizabeth Balyejusa Kizito. 2017. Performance of Solanum aethiopicum Shum group accessions under repetitive drought stress. Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science. Vol.10(1): 13-20


Sseremba G., Tongoona P., Eleblu J.S.Y., Danquah E.Y., and Kizito E.B.. 2018. Linear discriminant analysis of structure within African eggplant ‘shum.’ African Crop Science Journal, Vol. 26 (1) ISSN 1021-9730/2018


Sseremba G., Nahamya Pamela Kabod, Apolo Katwijukye Kasharu, John Nkalubo Jagwe, Masanza Michael, and Elizabeth Balyejusa Kizito. 2017 Diversity and distribution of African Indigenous Vegetable Species in Uganda. International Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation. ISSN2141-234X


Godfrey Sseremba, Pangirayi Tongoona, John Savior Yaw Eleblu, Eric Yirenkyi Danquah, Nahamya Pamela Kabod and Elizabeth Balyejusa Kizito. 2017. Morphological distinctiveness between Solanum aethiopicum Shum group and its progenitor. Journal of Plant Breeding and Crop Science. Vol. 9(8), pp. 118-129


Fred Bwayo Masika, Michael Masanza, Goncalves Aluana, Jose Alexandre Freitas Barrigossi and Elizabeth B Kizito. 2017. Abundance, distribution and effects of temperature and humidity on arthropod fauna in different rice ecosystems in Uganda. Journal of Entomology and Zoological Studies. 5: 964-973


Turyagyenda Laban, Elizabeth B. Kizito, Morag Ferguson, Yona Baguma, Jagger W. Harvey and David S.O. Osiru. 2013. Physiological and molecular characterization of drought responses and identification of candidate tolerance genes in cassava. AOB Plants. 5:plt007. doi: 10.1093/aobpla/plt007.


Turyagyenda Laban Frank, Elizabeth Balyejusa Kizito, Morag. E. Ferguson, Yona Baguma, Jagger W. Harvey, Paul Gibson, Bramwell Wanjala and David Osiru. 2012. Genetic diversity among farmer preferred cassava landraces in Uganda. African Crop Science Journal, Vol. 20, Issue Supplement s1, pp. 15 – 30.


Elizabeth Balyejusa Kizito, Ann-Christin Rönnberg-Wästljung, Thomas Egwang, Urban Gullberg, Martin Fregene, Anna Westerbergh. 2007. Quantitative trait loci mapping of cyanogenic glucoside potential and dry matter content in an F2 population in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Hereditas 144: 129-136.


Elizabeth Balyejusa Kizito, Linley Chiwona-Karltun, Thomas Egwang, Martin Fregene & Anna Westerbergh. 2007. Genetic diversity and variety composition of cassava on small-scale farms in Uganda: An interdisciplinary study using genetic markers and farmer interviews. Genetica 130: 301-318.


23-25 October 2019: Maiden Conference and Launch of African Plant Breeders Association. Accra, Ghana. Poster: ‘Identification of optimum drought screening protocol for Solanum aethiopicum Shum group’. Nakanwagi M.J., Sseremba G., Kabod N.P., Masanza M., Kizito E.B.

 15-19 October 2019.  XVI Solanaceae conference. Yield and nutrition. Jerusalem, Israel. Poster: ‘Exploring the genomic variability among Solanum aethiopicum complex: implications for crop improvement.  Kizito E.B, G. Mboowa, L. Cozzuto, P.N. Kabod, D. Jingo, G. Sseremba, T. Hermoso, J. Hecht, J. Ponomarenko.

27th February – 1st March 2019: 4th Congress congress hidden hunger. Stuttgart, Germany. Poster: ‘Heritability of drought resistance in Solanum aethiopicum Shum group and combining ability of genotypes for drought tolerance and recovery’. Sseremba G., Tongoona P., Eleblu J.S.Y., Danquah E., Kizito E.B.

22-26 October 2018 – Sixth African Higher Education Week and RUFORUM Biennial Conference, Nairobi, Kenya: Paper and Poster presentations:

Stability for descriptors of Solanum aethiopicum Shum group (family Solanaceae) Nahamya Pamela Kabod1, Godfrey Sseremba, Ruth Buteme, Michael Masanza, Elizabeth Balyejusa Kizito and Katwijukye Apolo Kasharu.

Shelf life performance of Solanum aethiopicum (Nakati) leafy vegetables subjected to various postharvest handling and storage conditions Sekulya, S., Nandutu, A., Ssozi, J., Masanza, M., Kabod, P., Jagwe, J.N., Kasharu, A., Rees, D. and Kizito, E. B.

Towards Participatory Breeding of Solanum aethiopicum Shum in Uganda Kabod P.N., Kasharu A., Jagwe J.N., Masanza M., Rees D., Nampala, P.M., Kizito, E.B.

20 – 22 November 2017. Afri-Veg Forum Cotonou, Benin 3 Poster Presentations:

Postharvest quality of Solanum aethiopicum (Nakati) leafy vegetables subjected to various handling practices and storage technologies Sekulya, S., Nandutu, A., Ssozi, J., Masanza, M., Kabod, P.,Jagwe, J.N., Kasharu, A., Rees, D. and Kizito, E. B

17-21 October, 2016 – Fifth African Higher Education Week and RUFORUM Biennial Conference – Cape Town, South Africa. Poster Presentation: Farmer perceptions and selection cues of selected indigenous vegetables in east and central Uganda. P.N Kabod, A. Kasharu, J Jagwe, M. Masanza, D. Rees, E. B. Kizito.

October 25-29th, 2015 – The 12th Solanaceae Conference, Bordeaux, France. Poster Presentation: Profiling morphological characteristics of Solanaceae species of Uganda. P.N Kabod, A. Kasharu, J Jagwe, M. Masanza, D. Rees, E. B. Kizito.

2-6th November 2014. 11th Solanaceae conference at D’Ajuda Eco Resort, Porto Seguro-BA, Brazil. Presentation, “The transcriptome of Solanaum aethiopicum and functional SNP development.”Kamenya S.N., F. Stomeo, E.B. Kizito, D. A. Odeny

Name of Awarding Body Project title End date
TWAS/ UNESCO Deciphering mechanisms of incompatibility in wide crosses of Solanum species and its wild relatives July2022
BBSRC/GCRF, UK Improving production efficiency of African Eggplant (Solanum aethiopicum) for smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa March 2022
NWO/WOTRO Development of a Gender Responsive Commercial Seed System for African Indigenous Vegetables (AIVs) in Uganda September2020
RUFORUM/ ICRISAT Designing and implementing a University-Based Extension and Technology Dissemination programme for Grain Legumes and Dryland Cereals innovations in Eastern Uganda at Uganda Christian University. July 2019
TWAS/ UNESCO Phenotyping water use efficiency in Solanum aethiopicum, Shum Group. December 2018
Mukono/Wakiso Platform)-IITA/ Humidtropics Integrated soil Fertility Management Options for small scale vegetable farmers in Mukono and Wakiso, Cluster4 (Mukono- Wakiso Innovation Platform), Uganda February 2016
Mukono/Wakiso Platform)-IITA/ Humidtropics Integrated soil Fertility Management Options for small scale vegetable farmers in Mukono and Wakiso, Cluster4 (Mukono- Wakiso Innovation Platform), Uganda February 2016
EU/ FARA (PAEPARD) Enhancing nutrition security and incomes through adding value to indigenous vegetables in East and Central Uganda September 2017
EMBRAPA, Brazil Genetic improvement of farmer preferred rice varieties to the stalk eyed fly (Diopsis longicornis): an emerging pest in irrigated rice growing ecosystems in Uganda. November 2015
BeCA-ILRI/ Syngenta/ AUSAid Developing genomic tools for Solanum aethiopicum breeding and gene discovery September 2016
Government of Uganda/ Uganda National Council for Science and Technology The Millenium Science Initiative project- Targeting Gene-Based Markers Associated with Drought Tolerance Mechanisms for Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) Breeding 22 Dec 2013
Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund Under the Association of University Women, Improving diet adequacy through primary school children in urban and peri-urban areas of Kampala Grant # 2012-1230 April 2013
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