
Research Seminar: Development of YAZINI— eco-friendly (bamboo-based) cooking fuel

Uganda’s forestry or tree cover is facing unpresented pressure toward depletion, partly due to unsustainable biomass energy demand in forms of firewood and charcoal. Approximately 95% of East Africans use biomass energy for cooking. We are developing a “green” or sustainable YAZINI firewood and charcoal from bamboo, whose performance is indistinguishable from hardwood products. The […]


UCU Main Campus in Mukono

You are cordially invited to the Uganda Christian University (UCU) Annual Public Lecture, which will take place on Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024, at 2:00 pm in Nkoyoyo Hall and via Zoom (ID: 938 5233 8551). Dr. Milton Mutto will be the main discussant at this esteemed event, which will feature a keynote address by Dr. […]

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