Uganda Christian University is one of the fastest growing Christian Universities in Africa. Her great reputation comes as a result of the centrality of Christ in all aspects. Worship takes a central place in the University and that makes Chaplaincy to be an important department that shapes the life and identity of the University. Chaplaincy aims at enhancing the Christian values among the various categories of people who join the community. For the unbelievers we seek to draw them to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. To the believers, we aim at disciplining them for spiritual growth. And to the “mature believers” we equip them for ministry. In all this we purpose to maintain spiritual vitality and the Christian identity of Uganda Christian University.
The Team includes the University Chaplain, two Assistants for both discipleship and Kampala Campus, the Music Director, Sound Technician, with an Assistant and the Administrators.
There are three different types of fellowships; Regional Fellowships provide for meeting with people from your geographical area or even your tribe. The Departmental fellowships cater for the unique challenges one could face as a Christian practicing that profession. The Joint Fellowships include Hall fellowships, Lunch Hour, Prayer Family and the Main University Fellowship. There are also fellowships for the staff members.
Discipleship / Bible Study There is a Bible exposition for people to learn the deeper truth of God’s word. We have discipleship groups meeting once a week for 1 hour for Bible Study and discussions. The university has a staff member in charge of discipleship to steer clear matters of spiritual growth.
There are a number of choirs, dance and drama groups. These are coordinated by the University Music Director. The groups do ministry on and outside the campus. On weekends, they provide for “clean Christian Entertainment” to the community with an additional opportunity of ministering God’s word through music, drama and dance.
A group of students and staff go for a retreat which focuses generally on relations but with a bias on the relationship with the different sex (man/woman). The purpose is to encourage the singles to remain pure until marriage but also to empower them in the area of choices and how to handle dating / courtship. The married are also equiped to have fulfilling marriages and good parenting.
During the Easter Semester we have a week for the above conference. This conference provides for spiritual nurture and sensitizes the Christians on the need for involvement in mission and ministry. Thepastors / clergy are empowered to do effective ministry. The lay people are encouraged to get involved in God’s work of spreading the Kingdom as lay people of of they sense the call to join the ordained ministry.
Every Academic year in the Advent semester, we have a week of an Evangelistic mission. We share the Gospel of Jesus Christ on a one to one, meet various groups, have a music Extravaganza, a Sports Gala, a Film show and open air rallies daily throughout the week.