Irene Nyapendi



UCU graduates 986 students

By Irene Best Nyapendi

Uganda Christian University (UCU) has today, October 13, 2023, graduated a total of 986 students at its main campus in Mukono. Among the graduates, 459 were male and 527 were female. Of these, 33 students achieved first-class honours, with 20 being female and 13 being male.

The graduating students were also coming from some of UCU’s constituent colleges, namely the Kampala and Arua campuses.

Gilbert Afema emerged as the best male student. He graduated with a Bachelor of Divinity with a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 4.60 in Bachelor of Divinity. Martin Juuko won the award for best science student with a Bachelor of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering and a CGPA of 4.50.

Precious Claire Ninsiima, emerged as the overall best student, the best female student, and the best arts student. She studied at Kampala campus and today graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration, with a CGPA of 4.78 out of 5.0.

Initially, Ninsiima was meant to join Makerere University Business School (MUBS) on government scholarship for International Business. However, her mother decided to bring her to UCU. “My mother suggested I join UCU because of its values and its image as a Christ centered institution. She felt it was important for me to study at UCU to prepare me for the outside world so that no matter what I find in the world, after school, I’ll know how to go by it,” Ninsiima explained.

She commends UCU for the values it imparts in its students such as integrity, Christ centeredness which she believes that if students listen to and concentrates on, they can actually be better people.

Ninsiima advises continuing students to give in their best to excel in their studies.

“Do the right thing at its right time, put in effort in assignments and above all don’t set a low standard,” Ninsiima said.

This ceremony was graced by the presence of Rt. Rev. Henry Luke Orombi, former UCU Chancellor. He urged the graduates to strive for a good name and a good reputation.

“True service will promote your name. Be willing and ready to serve. You don’t have to bribe your way to a position. Faithful service wins the approval of heaven and its heaven that promotes,” Orombi said. He encouraged them to pursue their destiny with ambition and prove themselves as a worker worth trusting. He also warned them to beware of dream killers.

The UCU Chancellor, His Grace The Most Rev. Dr. Stephen Samuel Kaziimba Mugalu, encouraged the graduates to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired from UCU to be leaders, problem solvers and change makers.

“I encourage you to embrace your roles as potential job creators and innovators. Be bold, take risks, and pursue your passions with self-discipline and trust in God to lead you,” Mugalu said.

He noted that the power of social media in shaping our society cannot be underestimated. It has the potential to connect people, bridge gaps, and amplify voices. However, he added that it can also be a double-edged sword, promoting division, misinformation, negativity and biases.

“As educated individuals, you have a responsibility to use social media constructively, to engage in meaningful dialogue, and contribute positively to our society’s values, growth and development. Use it to create jobs, network and grow in meaningful relationships,” said Mugalu.

Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi the UCU Vice Chancellor congratulated six of UCU staff who graduated today with PhD degrees. Among them are:

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UCU staff who graduated with PhD degrees

(i) Dr. Arthur Nuwagaba of the School of Business has been awarded a PhD in Business and Administration from the University of Nairobi.

(ii) Rev. Dr. Abel Wankuma Kibbedi has completed a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Literature from Uganda Christian University.

(iii) Dr. Faith Mbabazi Musinguzi has completed a PhD in Education Administration and Management from Uganda Christian University.

(iv) Dr. Gladys Ayot Oyat has completed a PhD in Education Administration and Management from Uganda Christian University.

(v) Dr. David Sengendo has completed a PhD in Education Administration and Management from Uganda Christian University.

(vi) Dr. Godwin Awio has completed a Master of Divinity degree from Uganda Christian University.

Some of UCU’s notable achievements

This year, the university celebrated six newly accredited PhD programs at UCU in Journalism, Media and Communication, Doctor of Philosophy in Development Studies, Doctor of Philosophy in Business administration, Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (reassessment), Doctor of Ministry and Doctor of Philosophy in Literature.

The 10k campaign has so far raised 120 million which has supported 79 students.

UCU is developing the research capacity of its academic staff. This is part of it’s strategy to grow UCU’s research and innovation portfolio. The Directorate of Research Partnerships and Innovation is funding various research projects initiated by 11 of UCU’s senior and young career scholars in different disciplines.

The bishop tucker school of divinity and theology with support from the Anglican aid is renovating and expanding the university archives building. To create modern video conferences facilities in the building and a reading area as well.

Our sports men and women represented us and Uganda during the world university games which were held in China in August of 2023 and in Russia in September 2023.

UCU competed in the basketball 3×3 games for both men and women. As defending champions of the national basketball league in Uganda for 2022 the UCU lady canons women basketball team has been invited to the zone five club championship Africa league in Kigali Rwanda at the end of this month

Arua campus plans to construct an academic building that has been named the bishop Orombi ICT complex.

Mushengyezi reminded the graduates that the knowledge, skills, competencies and values they have acquired at UCU will be very important for them throughout their career.

“Please nurture these values because it’s what sets you part as a UCU graduate. UCU is well-known for our value-based education,” Mushengyezi said.

 He noted that the world of work is beset with challenges but UCU sends its graduates as leaders who are going to make a difference in the world, change agents that God will use to transform the community.

“UCU has prepared you to be agents of positive change, so be the salt and the light wherever God takes you as servant leaders. Be a problem solver wherever you serve. God will make your dreams come true and we will cheer you on as you make exploits in your career,” Mushengyezi added.

Edward Osudo pursued a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering and has attained a CGPA of 4.00. Osudo commends UCU for its conducive environment.

“I’ve enjoyed my experience at UCU, the atmosphere is very conducive for study and it’s easy to do things because every office you go to is so friendly compared to most places I’ve been to,” Osudo said.

He also noted that UCU has prepared him for the career field both academically and character wise.

“I’ve been taught to always be a person of integrity especially in my profession. I can’t do half hazard things. UCU has taught me to always do things in a godly way,” Osudo said.

Osudo is currently employed as the Clerk of works at Mount Elgon Labour Based Training Center, where he was retained after his internship.

Jackson Osudo, a parent to the graduand, is impressed to have his first-born child (Edward Osudo) graduate from a university he always heard about during UCU Sunday at his home church in Tororo.

He appreciates UCU for offering its students a complete education for a complete person, instilling them with character and professionalism.

“I commend UCU for offering its students both professionalism and character. It gives me assurance that we are taking out a professional engineer who has character. These are the kind of people we need in order transform our country,” Osudo said.

Today, the school of Business graduated its first cohort of students under the post graduate diploma of sustainable business and renewable energy.

Students and guests who attended the graduation ceremony walked home with printed souvenir copies of Ebenezer, a graduation publication produced in collaboration with Uganda Partners, UCU Department of Communications and Public Relations. Find a digital copy here:

UCU alum’s journey to being first bishop of new Anglican diocese

By Kefa Senoga
As a son of an Anglican priest, Barnabas Tibaijuka was expected to lead a God-fearing life. And that’s exactly what he did at home.  His was the perfect illustration of living a double life — humble, obedient, and God-fearing son at home and rebellious and party-loving boy away from home.

Narrating his life’s journey on the Church of Uganda Family Television, Tibaijuka said while in secondary school, he joined peer groups that introduced him to sins like fornication.

“I would deceive my parents by telling them about non-existent demands at school, so that I could get money to facilitate my girlfriends,” Tibaijuka said.

He noted that he mastered the skill of living the double life so well that whenever he was with his father, he would criticize people who engaged in the same things that he did while away from home, to erode parental suspicion of the kind of life he led away from home.

Christians attending the consecration of Tibaijuka at St. Barnabas Cathedral in Bundibugyo, western Uganda on August 27.
Christians attending the consecration of Tibaijuka at St. Barnabas Cathedral in Bundibugyo, western Uganda on August 27.

However, he soon realized that the life of pretense would not take him far. He gave  his life to Jesus in 1994, while in Senior Four. This began his journey to the pulpit.

UCU Alum Consecrated as First Bishop of West Ruwenzori Anglican Diocese

The former student of Uganda Christian University (UCU) was on August 27 consecrated and installed as the first bishop of West Ruwenzori Anglican Diocese in western Uganda.

He did not travel his journey to the seat of the bishop without hurdles. First, after his Senior Four examinations, Tibaijuka applied to train as a lay reader in church, but his application was not successful. He was not given reasons for the rejection. He thus abandoned the journey to priesthood altogether, opting for a vocation in teaching. A lay reader is a layperson licensed to preach and conduct some religious services, but not to celebrate the Eucharist.

In 1998, he graduated with a certificate as a primary school teacher. Four years later, he had risen through the ranks, becoming a caretaker headteacher at Kuka Primary School in western Uganda. He then pursued a diploma in education at the National Teachers College in Mubende, central Uganda, which he acquired in 2005. However, he still felt he had not yet quenched his thirst for knowledge.

By 2008, Tibaijuka was back at school, this time at UCU, to pursue a Bachelor of Divinity course. He was eventually ordained a priest in 2011. However, he did not abandon his teaching job. He continued with teaching alongside ministry work. By 2014, Tibaijuka was back at school, this time to Mountains of the Moon University in western Uganda, to pursue Masters of Education Leadership and Policy Studies. 

At this point, he had to choose one of the two paths — ministry or teaching. 

“As a priest and teacher, I realized I wouldn’t be effective on either side, so I opted to leave teaching and concentrate on the church ministry,”  he said.

After nine years of full-time church ministry, Tibaijuka was on April 3 this year elected as the founding bishop of West Ruwenzori Diocese. At the time of his election, he was serving as parish priest at Buganikere Church. 

As the bishop, Tibaijuka plans to expand the administrative units in the diocese by creating new archdeaconries, parishes and building the capacity of the clergy.

“I am also thinking of protecting our environment due to the fact that Bundibugyo is prone to landslides, which are largely influenced by environmental degradation.”

Tibaijuka was born on May 8, 1975, in Bundinjongya, Bundibugyo district in western Uganda. His father, the Rev. Timoseo Wediime, was at that time serving in a remote parish in Rwebisengo. Tibaijuka is the ninth child and lastborn in their family.

Tibaijuka completed his primary education at Bubandi Primary School before enrolling for secondary school at Semuliki High School in Bundibugyo. He is married to Alice Tibaijuka since 2005 and the couple has seven children – Gloria, Agnes, Jolly, Mary, Timothy, Edith and Barnabas.


New UCU students share decisions, expectations

The Advent (September) semester at Uganda Christian University (UCU) welcomes a cohort of newly admitted students pursuing various courses at the institution. The university held an induction ceremony for all new students on September 26, 2023, to officially welcome and absorb them into the university culture and community. Just as in other higher institutions of learning, at UCU, the newcomers are commonly referred to as “freshers” since they are embarking on a fresh journey in the university. Kefa Senoga had a chat with some of the freshers. Some expectations are shared here. 

Kazawura Mark Arthur

I am a first-year Bachelor of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering at UCU. My choice of UCU was influenced by my relatives who have studied at the university and excelled in their careers. I believe that UCU will provide me with the essential training needed to realize my goals. I anticipate encountering a stiff academic environment, given the nature of my course. Nevertheless, I believe that with access to qualified lecturers and a well-equipped Hamu Mukasa Library, I will successfully overcome the challenges.

As a sports enthusiast, I am eagerly anticipating the use of the sports facilities at UCU. I look forward to engaging in various sports activities, such as soccer and basketball, which I actively participated in during my time in high school.

Khauka Ronald
Khauka Ronald

My motivation for enrolling at UCU and pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology was because I wanted to enhance my technological competence. I have already taught myself some aspects of information technology and hope to use the course to further my understanding of the field, as well as receive formal academic recognition, as well as further refine my skills.

I don’t expect to face significant challenges because of my deep passion for the subject. My main concerns at campus revolve around non-academic aspects, particularly to do with social well-being. As a non-resident, my primary concern lies in ensuring I’m well-prepared in terms of food and sustenance.

Nabukalu Vanitah
Nabukalu Vanitah

The first time I visited the main campus at Mukono, I was blown away by its beauty. I am also hopeful that the training that I will receive at UCU will make me one of the best journalists in the country. I am pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Communication course.

I also look forward to forming friendships with people who have a strong faith in God during my time at UCU, since the institution is rooted on Christian values. 

Nasasiira Lillian
Nasasiira Lillian

I believe UCU grooms the best law students in Uganda. My parents, too, share this belief, which is why they never considered any other institution for my law studies. UCU has earned a reputation in teaching law, and that’s why I chose it – to excel and build a name in my career.

As a Christian, I was determined to ensure that my Christian values remained steadfast as I embarked on my university journey. That’s why I made the deliberate choice to attend UCU, a prestigious Christian institution. In fact, my hope is to emerge from UCU even stronger in faith. 

Welikhe Sam
I am eager to grow and upgrade in my studies at the institution. After falling short of the required points for my preferred course, which is Bachelor of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering, with the support of my parents, I made the decision to enroll in the Higher Education Certificate program so that I can eventually be able to qualify for the engineering course. The minimum duration of the Higher Education Certificate program is nine months.

My other goal at UCU is to seize the opportunity for spiritual growth and development. I plan to engage in chapel services, prayer groups and various Christian ministries as part of my personal journey. This aspect of the university is one of the reasons I find UCU appealing.


Dr. Ssepuya wins USD 63,750 grant from the UNCST

By Irene Best Nyapendi,

Geoffrey Ssepuya, a Senior lecturer at Uganda Christian University (UCU), has won a grant, worth USD 63,750, from Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST). The grant focusing on “Piloting the production of low cost protein and micronutrient rich cricket feed from food waste in Kampala,” will run for 18 months.

Out of over 400 people who applied for the grant, only three won it. That is to say; Dr. Geoffrey Ssepuya from the UCU Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Prof. Charles Muyanga and Prof. Archileo Kaaya from Makerere University.

On October 10, during the UNCST grant launch at UCU, Deborah Kasule, Outreach & Information Management Head, announced the winners of the grant on behalf of the UNCST executive secretary as she highlighted on their partnership with UCU.

“We value the partnership we have with UCU and recognize the role higher education plays in knowledge generation,” Kasule said.

UCU Vice Chancellor Applauds Ssepuya’s Groundbreaking Research in Cricket Feed Production

Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi the UCU Vice Chancellor congratulated Ssepuya upon this win, mentioning that it is through research that the university can make an impact on the innovation sector in Uganda.

“At UCU we are consciously making efforts to build our research portfolio. It is a joy for me to witness this award ceremony to scholars taking ground breaking research addressing a national need,” Mushengyezi said.

He also commended UNCST for considering and supporting private universities.

This is the second phase of Ssepuya’s research as he looks at how to sustain increased cricket feed productions.

During the first phase, his finding was: high returns on investment if one used the formulated feeds and the cost of production is relatively low. With the formulated feeds, the crickets require 8 – 10 weeks to mature, faster than on normal food waste where they will take about 12 weeks.

One of the areas he is focusing on in this second phase includes enhancing the packaging and distribution of the formulated feeds.

Specific objectives of the study:

Establishing sorted food waste collection/supply from households, markets, and food service centers.

Establishing and equipping a private sector pilot food waste up cycling facility.

Training food waste handlers, feed retailers on processing and storage practices.

Relevance of the research project

This project aims at converting food waste to cricket feed, support cricket growth, and increased protein availability.

Crickets can be used to enrich the diet with protein and other nutrients when added to daily meals. It is a common practice in Uganda to eat fried insects such as crickets and grasshoppers. In this project, crickets, which have more protein than fish and beef, are ground to be mixed with staple flours for porridge and food. 

“Instead of consuming cassava bread that is only about 2% protein or even less, communities can supplement it with crickets which are 50 – 65 % rich in proteins,” Ssepuuya says. “So, with the feeds now available they can rear the crickets, dry them under the sun, grind them into powder and add the protein-rich powder to their food.”

The most common sources of proteins such as meat, milk and chicken are not affordable to many Ugandans, yet it can now be redeemed from eating crickets. 

Outcomes of the research

Sustainable production of nutritious (low cost) cricket feed.

Increased farmer participation in cricket rearing due to increased profitability.

Increased conversion of food waste to cricket feed.

Reduced disposal of organic solid food waste at non-gazetted areas.

Increased employment opportunities for youth and women (Those employed to process food waste).

Increased access to information about food waste processing and cricket production.

Increased research and feed processing capacity built.

Increased collaboration among researchers and stakeholders in solid food waste management.

Dr. Nicholas Odongo Research Fellow African Centre for Technology, the keynote speaker at the UNCST grant launch mentioned the need of turning research into market.

“Today universities are called upon to go beyond knowledge generation into generation of more practical and less abstract solutions. If the research doesn’t lead to employment creation, then it has been half useful,” Odongo said.

He added that innovation needs not to be part of but rather the core culture of a university because technology is the only means for socioeconomic transformation.


UCU Sunday: Christians pray, give to university

By Irene Best Nyapendi
Every last Sunday of September, Anglican churches in Uganda commemorate a Uganda Christian University (UCU) Sunday (UCU Sunday). UCU Sunday was established in 2017 by the Church of Uganda Bishops with three objectives: to pray for UCU; to mobilize financial resources to support UCU projects, especially infrastructure; and to raise awareness about the university. This tradition spans across Uganda, with every Church of Uganda participating.

On Sept. 24, 2023, Assoc. Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi, the UCU Vice Chancellor, prayed at All Saints Cathedral Kampala and thanked the congregation for supporting the university.

“We would like to join you to thank God for our provincial university — your prayers and unwavering support have brought forth miraculous transformations at UCU,” Prof. Mushengyezi said.

Prof. Mushengyezi reaffirmed the university’s role to continue training clergy for the Church of Uganda. Every year, the university admits two students from each diocese in the country and sponsors their theological training. 

The congregation prays for Uganda Christian University at Saint Paul’s Cathedral Namirembe in Kampala. Anglican churches throughout the country dedicate the last Sunday of September to pray for UCU and learn about developments at the Church-founded university.
The congregation prays for Uganda Christian University at Saint Paul’s Cathedral Namirembe in Kampala. Anglican churches throughout the country dedicate the last Sunday of September to pray for UCU and learn about developments at the Church-founded university.

“We also sponsor children of clergy who are struggling to pay tuition fees,” he said. “In 2022, we supported 22 students. Above all, we thank God that we have continued operating. And God is with us.”

This year’s UCU Sunday was themed “United for service and growth in Christ.” The amount raised in 2023 should be known by late November. 

UCU’s Church Relations Manager, Rev. Richard Mulindwa, introduced four strategic focus areas: scholarship schemes for clergy children; scholarships for the clergy; continuous training for the clergy; and infrastructure development, namely construction of the ordinands’ apartments. An ordinand is a person training to be a priest or church minister. The ordinands’ apartments will accommodate over 50 theology students at the university.

Rev. Mulindwa said as of last year, about sh400 million (about $113,000) had been fundraised for the ordinand apartment project’s estimated need of sh8.5billion (over $2.2million).

“Once the necessary funds are secured, construction will commence, further facilitating the university’s expansion,” Rev. Mulindwa said.

The Vicar of Saint Paul’s cathedral Namirembe Cathedral, Rev. Abraham Nsubuga Muyinda, urged church members to donate generously to UCU.

“We have to put our hands together and support our own university as we see it go to greater heights and continue to excel because it is the Centre of Excellence in the Heart of Africa,” he  said.

He said UCU couldn’t be a great university unless Christians collectively contributed funds and supported it as the Lord guided them. He emphasized that supporting the institution was crucial as many religious leaders, such as him, have been shaped by the university.

The UCU chaplain, Rev. Canon Eng. Paul Wasswa Ssembiro, preached at Saint Paul’s Cathedral Namirembe in Kampala. He highlighted the divine calling and need for equipping leaders in the church and discouraged competition among them. He instead encouraged participation in ministry.

“It is important for us to know that our unity comes from our identity,” he said. “We are one in Christ and so our attitude towards believers should be that of unity.”

Rev. Canon Ssembiro told the Christians that their generous giving bore fruits during the July graduation where of 1,006 graduates, 45 were pioneer students of medicine and nine from dentistry. The buildings established for  the schools of medicine and dentistry were made possible by  sh300 million (about $79,275) that was collected on the 2018 UCU Sunday. 

“On behalf of UCU, I thank you for your generosity over the years,” Rev. Ssembiro said. “It is through it that we have the UCU schools of medicine and dentistry, and it was our joy to see our pioneer students graduate this year in July.”

What others say about the UCU Sunday

Martha Kobusinge and Moses Isebo, Christians at Namirembe Cathedral, expressed appreciation for the UCU Sunday information that educates those who aren’t affiliated with UCU. 

 “It’s through such days that we get to know what happens at UCU, the programs offered and the developments there,” Kobusinge said.

“I give to UCU as a service to God because it’s founded by the Church of Uganda,” Isebo said.


Alumna combines IT, media skills for today’s competitive market

By Irene Best Nyapendi
In a world where specialization often reigns supreme, Melanie Owomugisha’s journey at Uganda Christian University (UCU) demonstrates the power of embracing diverse skills. Her story is one of mentorship and commitment to both Information Technology (IT) and communications.

Owomugisha joined UCU in 2020 and received a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology in July 2023. Her decision to delve into the world of IT was driven by her determination to break gender stereotypes. 

“Actually, I wanted to do things men do; that’s the reason why I wanted to do IT,” she said.

In high school, she had realized that it was mostly the male students who were interested in computers; girls showed little or no interest. Owomugisha also envisioned a world that was going to be highly digitalized, so she saw a future in studying IT.

While she was deeply passionate about IT, her journey at UCU introduced her to the realm of media. As a recent graduate, she has applied for IT work in several companies. But just before she could walk out of the university, a different opportunity came her way. 

In May 2023, the head of the Department of Computing and Technology called Owomugisha. She was hired and  assigned to a mentor, Jimmy Siyasa, the Acting UCU Communications Officer, with the directive to train her in communications, public relations and management of  the department’s social media.

“After I completed my IT studies, the department introduced me to the world of communication,” Owomugisha said. “I learned communication skills and took on responsibilities like managing social media, photography and videography.”

She said her new role as a journalist was rewarding and fulfilling. She made simple videos on “how to apply to UCU” that prospective students and online audiences found useful. Her tasks included making phone calls to hundreds of freshmen to clarify the UCU registration processes.

“Helping applicants (both undergraduate and postgraduate applicants) and making those calls gave me immense satisfaction,” she said.

Owomugisha excelled at being a content creator for the department. She captured videos of students narrating their experiences at the university and the memories they created, as well as curating profiles of graduates. 

She was the lead on student engagement in department activities, including outreaches such as innovation hubs, career talks and ideation sessions. She mobilized the students in the Computing and Technology department. 

She fell in love with the field of communication, and is now pivoting to studying a course in strategic communications. She views her move into media as part and parcel of expanding her skill set and effectively growing in the two careers. She believes the world today is looking for individuals who have more than one skill.

“The job market today requires more than one skill, and I believe having IT and media skills will make me stand out wherever I go,” Owomugisha said.

Owomugisha said she applied a lot of technical skills in her media work, particularly her ability to adapt to various software. She credited her IT background for making her versatile and enabled her to learn new software quickly, which was needed in her daily tasks.

As a student of media and an IT professional, she discovered that both fields require effective communication. She is now better in IT because of the ability to communicate IT concepts simply.

“In IT, people often lack communication skills,” she said. “They can develop great software, but struggle to present it. With my IT background and communication skills, I can bridge that gap and explain software effectively.”

Owomugisha fondly recalls one working trip to Ntare School in Mbarara western Uganda and how she covered UCU’s online audience. She was proud of the job she did during the outreach and found joy in communicating the information in real-time.

UCU lecturer applauds Owomugisha’s progress

Emmanuel Isabirye, a lecturer and mentor, said he was impressed by Owomugisha’s transition from a meticulous observer to an effective communicator. 

“Melanie is a fast learner who goes against the odds to add a new skill set to her already promising collection,” he said. “She’s hungry for growth as evidenced in her willingness to sojourn in the communications department.” 

Isabirybe said applicants appreciated her work with feedback from some that UCU was a “university of first choice boosted by Melanie’s courteous and informed phone calls.” 

Owomugisha is committed to evolving in her media career and expressed gratitude to UCU for the rare opportunity to work as a communications person at the Computing and Technology department.

“I am excited about the future as I plan to continue my journey in the media,” she said. “I am grateful to UCU for giving me a platform to learn and grow. I appreciate everyone in the Communications and IT Department for their guidance.”


School of Journalism unveils first PhD program

By John Semakula
A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. 

This is true for Uganda Christian University’s (UCU) School of Journalism, Media and Communication (JMC) whose journey of 22 years has led to the launch of its first PhD program. 

The National Council for Higher Education (NCHE), a body charged with regulating higher education in Uganda, accredited the advanced degree program on August 21, 2023. The School of JMC then launched the PhD in September. The launch meant advertising, admitting new students and JMC professors initiating a high-quality curriculum. 

In 2002, when  the  UCU Department of Mass Communication started with only one undergraduate degree program, it was not easy to envisage this level of transformation. At that time, 21 years ago, the department had  no academic staff with a PhD.

But today the School of JMC prides itself in having several renowned communication scholars with doctoral degrees. These include Prof. Monica Chibita and Prof. James Kiwanuka Tondo. The PhD accreditation required a detailed consultative needs assessment, which involved industry practitioners, academics, current and prospective students. 

“The assessment established that indeed there was demand for PhD training in communication in Uganda, where only Makerere University was offering a PhD in the field by research,” the statement said.  

Why UCU has introduced the crucial PhD program

Prof. Chibita, the Dean of the School, affirmed the need for the introduction of the PhD. 

“The PhD program seeks to fill a gap in teaching, research and supervision at institutions of higher education in the East African region, using contextual curricular and innovative methods of delivery,” she said. 

She noted that the program is aligned with the University’s strategic vision of growing research, innovations and partnerships. 

“The University aims to promote rigorous focused research that leads to improved understanding and innovations to solve specific challenges in Uganda and abroad,” Chibita said, also emphasizing that the PhD will contribute to the University’s goal of recruiting and retaining staff with excellence in teaching and research.

According to the School, the program started off with an 11-strong faculty, comprising four professors, two associate professors, and five senior lecturers drawn from the UCU School of JMC, the University of Kwa Zulu Natal (South Africa), the University of Rwanda; and NLA University College in Norway.  

Chibita said, “The faculty composition reflects strong collaboration between the partner universities, and continued support for capacity development in higher education and research for development by the Norwegian Programme for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development (NORHED).” 

The program covers four broad areas: media democracy and development in Africa; media, gender, identity and participation; media and crisis; and health and science communication. There will be a strong emphasis placed on innovative teaching and research methods and on the need to decolonise communication theory, method and curricula.  PhD candidates will undertake coursework, proposal writing and research. They will be encouraged to conduct collaborative research with faculty members and partner universities. 

Full-time students will be expected to complete the program within three to four years while part-time students in five to six years.  The program will accept at least 10 doctoral students for the start. 


‘I can contribute to the fight against food insecurity’

By Irene Best Nyapendi
Edrick Bwambale, a Uganda Christian University (UCU) alumnus, has scooped the African Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Achievers Award for his work connected to training rural farmers best practices. 

Awarded at the four-day, 5th African Youth SDGs Summit in Lusaka, Zambia, in August 2023, his accolade was in the category of  “No poverty,” which derived its name from the SDG 1 – End poverty in all its forms everywhere. 

The 2019 graduate with a Bachelor of Agriculture Science and Entrepreneurship was recognized for his efforts with rural female farmers who are survivors of domestic violence in Kasese district, western Uganda. He was commended for improving the farmers’ profitability by introducing better crop varieties, providing support and creating online marketplaces for their products. 

Edrick Bwambale receiving his award at the 5th African Youth SDGs Summit in Lusaka, Zambia, on August 18. He was recognized for his remarkable work with rural female farmers who are survivors of domestic violence in Kasese district, western Uganda.
Edrick Bwambale, receiving his award at the 5th African Youth SDGs Summit in Lusaka, Zambia, on August 18. He was recognized for his remarkable work with rural female farmers who are survivors of domestic violence in Kasese district, western Uganda.

Bwambale was grateful to the summit for recognizing his efforts and the networking opportunities it opened for him. He said he benefited from sharing with experts who showed him “a whole different perspective of things.” He was sponsored for the conference, got books to help him in his projects and also networked with peers and experts for further correspondence. 

“It is important for us as youth to take part in this because we are leaders of today, not just tomorrow, and our contributions are crucial to making progress in the 17 areas of the SDGs,” he said.

He said the award has motivated him to refine his ideas, opened doors to capacity-building opportunities and given him access to experts.

“The award opened doors for valuable networking with experienced professionals,” Bwanbale said. “And if I use the opportunities and network I made, it would benefit me more.”

Bwambale does the work under his organization, Sustainable Agri Food Initiative (SAFI Uganda), which he founded in 2021. He trains crop farmers using the knowledge he got at UCU and through the practical field experience while working at Mubuku Irrigation Scheme (in Kasese) as a field extension officer for five years.

He expanded the SAFI initiative when leaving his field extension job in April 2022. The SAFI farmer groups with 517 members increase support from financial institutions. 

“I know what kind of seed is planted in what kind of soil, at what time, and I have field experience that I share with farmers,” Bwanbale said.“Banks will not trust individual farmers with money because they don’t see security, but they can trust a group of farmers who are doing something,” 

UCU Alumnus Bwambale’s Agri-mission

During his field work, he realized that farmers needed extra help in accessing agricultural knowledge and training.

“The whole essence of field extension made more sense because I saw how local farmers were being challenged by transport limitations,” he said. “They hardly got the required technical support.”

Bwambale’s mission is “to improve the technical knowledge, farm production and productivity and livelihoods of smallholder farmers in East Africa.”

He achieves this through on-farm field extension services, advising farmers on crop management, pest control, and more. He works with a team of field assistants who are his current and former interns who help him during the field training.

In creating an online marketplace for farmers to access better markets, he seeks to eliminate middlemen who exploit farmers when prices drop after harvest. He also conducts field sessions to empower farmers, allowing them to replicate best practices.

“We meet two days a month in a classroom setting,” he said. “Additionally, once every week, we gather in a garden we call a training site. Here, we focus on practical learning. Farmers replicate what they have learned by practicing it in their gardens.”

Bwambale’s motivation to engage in sustainable development started by recognizing his potential to effect change in his community.

 “I know I can do something,” he said. “I can’t just sit there and watch people suffer when I can contribute to the fight against food insecurity and poverty.”


Software engineer’s journey in juggling work, obtaining Masters

By Irene Best Nyapendi
Kenneth Kabinga Musasizi, a lecturer and software engineer at Uganda Christian University (UCU), chose to get a masters degree to expand his proficiency in software engineering and management of enterprise ICT infrastructure.

“I wanted to make a contribution to the body of knowledge,” said Musasizi, who got his advanced degree in IT in July. “I did research on developing architecture that reduces latency in web applications.” 

The best male student in a 2020 undergraduate graduation who started loving computers as an adolescent, Musasizi juggled his Masters studies with teaching as well as software engineering work at UCU.

Kenneth Musasizi was the best male student in 2020 when he graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology. He started work as a software engineer in 2021.
Kenneth Musasizi was the best male student in 2020 when he graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology at UCU. He started work as a software engineer in 2021.

“As a software engineer, every day is like an emergency day, your availability is always imperative,” he said. “So, I carefully structured my engineering job to run from 9 a.m. to around 5 p.m., reserving the crucial hours from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. and from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. for my academic pursuits.”.

ICT work is critical and integral in the running of a modern university. .

“We always have to make sure everything is perfect every day because there are many people using the ICT system,” he said.

As a software engineer, Musasizi has worked on numerous projects across the world in the domains that include academia, finance, health, science and research.

“I use technology to solve problems in the community,” he said. “That is what we do as software engineers.”

Full-time work while studying was tough, but he was resolute in finding a way to do it all..

“Commencing my day ahead of the usual schedule allowed me to have time for studies without compromising my professional responsibilities,” Musasizi said.

Musasizi’s success journey at UCU

Musasizi commends UCU, specifically his directorate, and workmates for making it easier for him to balance his job and Masters program.

“Since I studied and worked at the same university, I didn’t have to travel to meet my lecturers or to get learning resources,” he said. “I utilized the UCU library and the lecturers around. I was also able to study online with the multifaceted e-learning system of the University.”

Musasizi joined UCU in 2017 for a Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology. In 2020, he was among the special students who had a physical graduation at the university amidst the COVID-19 lockdown (Only first-class students were allowed in-person attendance on the graduation grounds.). He was awarded the best male student of 2020.

Musasizi started working as a software engineer in 2021. The following year, he started tutoring students. And this year, upon completion of his Masters, became a lecturer.

He fell in love with technology from a young age. At age 14, he had an interest in programming and cyber security.

“As a child, I always loved being on the computer and playing games on it,” he said. I would be on a computer until my parents told me to stop playing and do something else ‘productive.. So, I started learning about cybersecurity and programming.”

Musasizi is passionate about web and mobile development. His focus is on building scalable and high-performance systems using microservices and enterprise architecture.

During his free time, he enjoys exploring the latest trends in Human Computer Interaction (HCI) and affective computing. He also searches for opportunities to share his knowledge and experience.

“Whether I am working on a new project or mentoring a team of developers, I strive to continuously learn and grow as a professional,” he said.


Navigating medicine journey with purpose and resilience

In the bustling streets of the Kyebando suburb of Kampala, and under the nurturing gaze of his parents, Mr. Deruku Luiji and Mrs. Asumpta Peace, Candia Godwin Ivan’s journey into the world of medicine began. 

Born in Arua, Uganda, Candia’s early experiences in life were marked by a profound loss when in the capital city suburb at age five. At that tender age, he tragically lost his younger sister to a febrile illness. It was a moment that would shape his destiny and ignite the flames of his commitment to the field of medicine.

Today, Candia stands as a beacon of hope for the people of Arua. A ministerial Policy statement for the Financial Year 2022/23 cited failure “to attract and retain specialized doctors” as a major challenge facing hospitals in the district, namely the Arua Hospital. One reason is that the district is over 300 miles from Kampala, where most professionals prefer to practice due to the vastness of opportunities and also the comparative lucrativeness of the trade.

After graduating as part of the pioneer medicine class of Uganda Christian University (UCU) School of Medicine (SoM) in July, the medical doctor has now embarked on his Medical Internship at Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital (MRRH). Candia’s story is one of determination, passion, and a deep-rooted desire to use his skills to transform healthcare and make a lasting impact on his community.

UCU Candia’s Early Influences and Ambitions

From a young age, Candia’s love for medicine was evident. The loss of his sister instilled in him a profound belief that he should dedicate his life to saving lives. As he matured, particularly in his early 20s, his fervor for leveraging social impact to enhance healthcare grew stronger. His passion for medicine was not only a personal calling but also a response to the pressing healthcare needs of his community.

His decision to pursue medicine was influenced by a deep-seated desire to help others and his passion for science, which he recognized as an ever-evolving field. He notes that part of the seed was planted in his high school days at St. Mary’s College Kisubi “which had such a resourceful library.” 

“That is where my love for science grew much more, especially in the biological field,” he said.

If not for medicine, Candia contemplated a career in Software Engineering, a testament to his versatile interests and the breadth of his intellectual curiosity.

Candia’s pursuit for quality medical training brought him to UCU, where he would embark on a rigorous five-year journey filled with challenges and triumphs. He revealed that he had been closely following the law school and based on that success believed the medical school could be the same. 

The rigorous demands of the medical school curriculum meant immense mental energy to maintain this pattern for five years. Candia’s love for learning made the journey more manageable, and he credits his ability to balance his work and social life, as well as engaging in discussions with peers, for making the learning process easier.

In the midst of study rigor, Ivan remembers the weekend activities reserved for some adrenaline rush drawn from watching Premier League football in his hostel room.

Charting a Future in Medicine

Now, as he embarks on his medical internship and plans for the future, Ivan is uncompromising in his commitment to serving his community. His next steps include gaining more experience through work and pursuing a master’s degree in plastic and reconstructive surgery. His vision extends beyond personal success; he aspires to collaborate with other healthcare workers to conduct extensive health education within his hometown of Arua. 

This initiative aims to influence social habits, which are the primary contributors to disease and illness. Candia’s ultimate goal is to ultimately roll out free or at least affordable community health services. 

“If everything proceeds as planned, I intend to organize screening camps and eventually establish a nonprofit health facility to serve the Arua communities,” Candia says. 

Candia’s faith is an essential part of his life and work. As a Christian, he draws inspiration from the teachings of the Bible, where Jesus healed the sick and helped those in need. These teachings drive him, giving him a sense of purpose and meaning in his work as a medical professional.

One notable aspect of Candia’s journey was his leadership role at the UCU School of Medicine (SoM). This experience helped him develop crucial skills, including time management, communication, presentation, confidence, and critical thinking. These skills were instrumental in his academic excellence and continue to shape his professional life as a medical doctor.

Being the first medicine graduate in his family, the story of Candia Godwin Ivan serves as an inspiring testament to the power of determination, purpose, and faith in shaping a future where healthcare reaches the most vulnerable. 

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