
The Vice Chancellor

Assoc. Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi is the Vice Chancellor of Uganda Christian University. He holds a PhD from the University of Connecticut, USA, an MA degree from Makerere University, BA (with First Class Honours) and also a Diploma in Education Kyambogo University. Read More

The overall trustees of the University, known as the University Council, hold the responsibility of creating policies, establishing mission and purpose, and overseeing the development of a successful organization. They prioritize good management and resource allocation, and they play a crucial role in appointing and supporting the Office of the Vice Chancellor.

Directly under the University Council, the Deans take charge of leading UCU’s schools and Faculties. Working alongside them, the Senior Leadership Team including directors, managers, heads of departments and other highly qualified professionals effectively manages the institution’s day-to-day operations through various administrative units.

Furthermore, the University Senate, chaired by the Vice Chancellor, serves as the principal deliberative and academic body of the University. Its membership comprises the following;

  1. Vice Chancellor
  2. Deputy Vice Chancellors
  3. College Principals and Directors
  4. Deans and Heads of Department
  5. Managers of Departments
  6. Students’ Guild President

Uganda Christian University is led by the Vice Chancellor assisted by Deputy Vice Chancellors and the College Principals and Director. The University is also governed by the University Council and Senate.

UCU Chancellor

The Archbishop of the Church of Uganda is the Chancellor of Uganda Christian University.

Senior Leadership Team

Rev. Assoc. Prof John M. Kitayimbwa
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs)
Mr. David Mugawe
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Finance and Administration)
Assoc. Prof. Angella Napakol
Director, Academic Affairs
Angella NapakolX HandleORCID

Faculty Deans and Heads

Prof. James Tondo Kiwanuka
Dean School of Journalism, Media & Communication
Harriet Adong Ekallam Atuyambe
Director of Communication and Public Relations
Elizabeth Kukunda Bacwayo
Director Postgraduate Studies
Assoc. Prof. Angella Napakol
Director Academic Affairs
Dr. Miriam Gesa Mutabazi
Head Research and Innovations
Rev. Canon Prof. Christopher Byaruhanga
Dean Bishop Tucker School of Divinity
Ms. Pamela Ruth Tumwebaze
Director For Students Affairs
Rev. Canon Paul Wasswa Ssembiro
University Chaplain
Dr. Mary Teophira Ocheng Kagoire
Dean School of Education
Mrs. Rebecca Kangabe
Director University ICT Services
Eng. David Andrew Kyateesa Kivumbi
Director Facilities & Capital Projects
Dr. Miria Frances Agunyo
Dean Faculty of Engineering, Design & Technology
Dr. Rosemary Bulyaba
Dean Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
Halima Nassanga
Head Finance
Rev. Prof. David Andrew Omona
Director Africa Policy Centre
Mr. Vincent Kissenyi
Dean School of Business
Prof. Emilly Comfort Maractho
Senior Lecturer- School of Journalism, Media and Communication
Dr. Isaac Katono
Senior Lecturer School of Business
Dr. James Magara
Dean School of Dentistry
Rev. Canon. Prof. Peter Nyende
Professor of Biblical Studies- BTSDT
Dr. Maurice Olobo
Senior Lecturer School of Business
Rodgers Tayebwa
Head of Department Engineering & Environment