October 13, 2024



UCU’s Donation Makes a Difference in Ankole Region

According to the National Institute of Health, Uganda faces a high unmet need for surgery,with few operating theatres (OTs) (0.2 major OTs per 100,000 people) and a low surgeon density of 0.73 surgeons per 100,000 persons.

As part of the university’s Corporate Social Responsibility Uganda Christian University (UCU) recently donated a van to facilitate transportation for surgeons during the Ankole Region Surgical Camp.

Organized by the Uganda Association of Surgeons and the Ministry of Health, with support from UCU and several Members of Parliament, the camp addressed the pressing medical needs of individuals who had long endured pain and illness without the financial means to seek treatment.

Officiating at the closing of the event, the Deputy Speaker of Parliament of the Republic of Uganda, Rt. Hon. Thomas Tayebwa said: “The surgeries are a remarkable achievement that has brought hope and relief to hundreds to Ugandans who had been struggling with various medical conditions.”

During the week-long surgical camp, held from September 22 to 28, over 2,356 patients received surgeries, with 20,054 operations performed. The camp also conducted 17,956 scans and 7,300+ lab tests, identifying critical health issues and providing timely interventions.

School children also benefited from comprehensive screenings, with 3,260 screened for eye issues, revealing 40 undiagnosed vision impairments, 648 screened for ENT issues, with 2011 requiring surgical attention and 162 (8%) showing significant muscle and bone problems.

Additionally, the camp screened 66 women for breast cancer, detecting 4 likely cases. They also screened 67 women for cervical cancer, identifying 1 likely case and 61 men for prostate cancer, finding 12 likely cases.

UCU’s donated van played a vital role in transporting surgeons to the camp, ensuring the success of this humanitarian effort.

UCU’s participation in the Ankole Region Surgical Camp embodies the university’s core values of Christ-centeredness, integrity, diligence, servanthood and stewardship. By partnering with medical professionals and organizations, UCU demonstrates its dedication to improving lives and transforming communities.

Looking forward, the Uganda Association of Surgeons plans to extend its outreach services to West Nile come September 2025, reinforcing its commitment to serve more underserved populations.

Compiled by: Irene Best Nyapendi, Writer @UCU
Edited by: Harriet Adong, UCU Director Communication and Public Relations (Vice Chancellor’s Division)