July 9, 2024



UCU Chancellor’s Visit to Arua Campus

On Tuesday, July 9th, 2024, The Most Rev. Dr. Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu, Archbishop of the Church of the Province of Uganda and Chancellor of Uganda Christian University (UCU), along with Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi, Vice Chancellor, and Mr. David Mugawe, Deputy Vice Chancellor – Finance and Administration, visited the UCU Arua Campus. The purpose of the Chancellor’s visit was to boost morale, assess progress, and pledge support for the development projects at the Campus.

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Rev. Julius Izzy Tabi, Director of UCU Arua Campus, shares a light moment with Chancellor Rev. Dr. Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu during his visit.

Rev. Julius Izzy Tabi, Director of UCU Arua Campus, expressed gratitude to the Chancellor and his entourage for braving the challenging journey to Northwestern Uganda to visit Arua Campus.

“We thank you, Chancellor and your entourage for enduring the challenging journey to the Northwest to visit us at Arua Campus” Rev.Tabi said.

Rev. Tabi highlighted the Chancellor’s launch of the 50-year master plan for the campus, which includes the construction of the Bishop Orombi ICT Complex. Fundraising efforts have been initiated for this project.

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UCU delegates and dignitaries gather for a memorable group photo in front of the UCU Arua Campus library.

Rev. Tabi with gratitude also mentioned the Vice Chancellor’s pledge of 20 million and the President of Uganda’s pledge of 2 billion Uganda shillings towards the Bishop Orombi ICT Complex.

 Additionally, an announcement was made about organizing a fundraiser dinner on August 9, 2024, at the Imperial Royale Hotel, Kampala, inviting everyone to contribute generously towards the project.

“We invite everyone to contribute generously towards the project, which will enhance our campus infrastructure and have a profound Socio-economic impact,” Rev. Tabi said.

Furthermore, it was also noted that Bishop Charles and the diocese of Ma’di West Nile have offered 60 acres of land for the university college. This offer is pending ratification by the Trustees (house of bishops) before proceeding with the application for college status.

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UCU Chancellor plants a tree at UCU Arua Campus.

Attainment of constituent college status would create opportunities, including potential partnerships with the neighboring Church of Uganda Kuluva Hospital, allowing UCU to introduce medical, public health, and nursing programs in Arua.

Dr. Kaziimba commended the leadership, staff, and students of the campus for their dedication and hard work, stating that, “your efforts have not only upheld UCU’s standards but also contributed significantly to the development and progress of the West Nile region and beyond.”

Compiled by: Irene Best Nyapendi

Edited by: Harriet Adong, Consultant at UCU’s Communication and Public Relations Department