Bachelor of International Business Management

Minimum Requirement
Program Length
Programme Highlights
Career Propects

Advent/September – Full -Time Day at UCU – Mukono/Main campus.

In addition to the other University admission requirements for undergraduate Programmes, one of the following categories will allow admission to this course:

  1. Direct entrants with Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) or its equivalent, and least 2 A’ level advanced principle passes taken at the same sitting; and/or
  2. Diploma from a recognised institution of Higher learning; or 
  3. A pass in mature-age examination – such candidates must be Ugandan nationals of at least 25 years and have formal education. Those who are successful, in both the written and oral examination, are considered for admission.

Three years with maximum of five years to complete

The Bachelor of International Business and Management is aligned with the School of Business’s mission-of becoming the leading provider of quality business education in the Ugandan region and the driver towards regional integration and increased business globalisation. The programme is designed to develop a cadre of professionals with integrity, power of critical enquiry, logical thought, and wise judgment in a christian perspective for essential knowledge and skills in ethical decision making in the international business environment.

Topics in the coursework of the programme include: business economics, accounting fundamentals, marketing management, international management, business law, international trade, entrepreneurship, strategic planning, world cultures and business, and global supply chain management, among others.

Career prospects Upon completing this degree can be found in local, national and international government, non-profit and private sectors with such titles as: accountant, consultant, financial analyst, human resource officer, marketing managers and corporate buyers.